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System.NullPointerException on Events - Please help!
Dear all, below is my code which automatically send email notificaitons when a new Event is created. If opportunity is not tagged to Event, I`m getting a System.NullpointerException. Could you please help in understanding what I`m doing wrong? I`m new to Apex
Apex trigger NotifyOnSiteVist2 caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Visitnotify: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Trigger.Visitnotify: line 29, column 1
Apex trigger NotifyOnSiteVist2 caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Visitnotify: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Trigger.Visitnotify: line 29, column 1
Trigger Visitnotify on Event (after insert){ List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> newEmails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>(); List<Id> whatIds = new List<Id>(); List<Id> createdByIds = new List<Id>(); for(Event e { createdByIds.add(E.CreatedByID); whatIds.add(E.whatId); } Map<Id, User> users = new Map<Id, User>([SELECT Id, Name from User WHERE Id in :createdByIds]); Map<Id, Opportunity> opportunities = new Map<Id, Opportunity>([SELECT Name, Account.Name from Opportunity WHERE Id in :whatIds]); for(Event e{ if(e.whatid != NULL){ String fullTaskURL; String Facility; Datetime startDate; Datetime endDate; String Purpose; // Query to populate CreatedBy name in html template Id createdByID = E.CreatedByID; String createdByName = users.get(createdByID).Name; // Query to populate Opportunity name in html template String oppID = E.whatId; String oppName = opportunities.get(oppID).Name; if(E.Site_Visit__C ){ Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setSubject(' Alert: A New Visit Record is Created'); mail.setSaveAsActivity(false); mail.setTargetObjectId('00580000005LedR'); fullTaskURL = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + E.Id; Facility = E.Facility__c; startDate = E.StartDateTime; endDate = E.EndDateTime; Purpose = E.Purpose_of_Visit__c; //Generate email template String emailBody; emailBody = '<html><body>Hi ,<br> <br> A New Site Visit Record has been created: <a href="' + fullTaskURL + '">' + E.Id + '</a><br></body></html>' + '<br> Sales VP: '+ createdByName + '<br> Opportunity/Account Name: '+ oppName + '<br> <br> Site/Facility: ' + Facility+ '<br> Purpose of Visit: ' + Purpose + '<br> Start Date/Time: ' + StartDate + '<br> End Date/Time: ' +endDate + '<br> <br> Thank you <br> <br> Salesforce Admin' ; mail.setHtmlBody(emailBody ); newEmails.add(mail); } } messaging.sendEmail(newEmails); } }
Solution: Identify the sObject type of whatID
Trigger Visitnotify on Event (after insert){
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> newEmails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
List<Id> whatIds = new List<Id>();
List<Id> createdByIds = new List<Id>();
for(Event e
Map<Id, User> users = new Map<Id, User>([SELECT Id, Name from User WHERE Id in :createdByIds]);
Map<Id, Opportunity> opportunities = new Map<Id, Opportunity>([SELECT Name, Account.Name from Opportunity WHERE Id in :whatIds]);
for(Event e{
if(e.whatid != NULL){
SObjectType type;
type = e.whatid.getSObjectType();
String typee = String.valueOf(type);
if(typee == 'Opportunity'){
String fullTaskURL;
String Facility;
Datetime startDate;
Datetime endDate;
String Purpose;
// Query to populate CreatedBy name in html template
Id createdByID = E.CreatedByID;
String createdByName = users.get(createdByID).Name;
// Query to populate Opportunity name in html template
String oppID = E.whatId;
String oppName = opportunities.get(oppID).Name;
if(E.Site_Visit__C ){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.setSubject(' Alert: A New Visit Record is Created');
fullTaskURL = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + E.Id;
Facility = E.Facility__c;
startDate = E.StartDateTime;
endDate = E.EndDateTime;
Purpose = E.Purpose_of_Visit__c;
//Generate email template
String emailBody;
emailBody = '<html><body>Hi ,<br> <br> A New Site Visit Record has been created: <a href="' + fullTaskURL + '">' + E.Id + '</a><br></body></html>' + '<br> Sales VP: '+ createdByName + '<br> Opportunity/Account Name: '+ oppName + '<br> <br> Site/Facility: ' + Facility+ '<br> Purpose of Visit: ' + Purpose + '<br> Start Date/Time: ' + StartDate + '<br> End Date/Time: ' +endDate + '<br> <br> Thank you <br> <br> Salesforce Admin' ;
mail.setHtmlBody(emailBody );
} }
All Answers
This Code looks OK.
Put one debug after line 28 to print the oppId.
I think you have one more trigger, check that also.
your trigger is working absolutely fine for me.
Grazitti Team
Solution: Identify the sObject type of whatID
Trigger Visitnotify on Event (after insert){
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> newEmails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
List<Id> whatIds = new List<Id>();
List<Id> createdByIds = new List<Id>();
for(Event e
Map<Id, User> users = new Map<Id, User>([SELECT Id, Name from User WHERE Id in :createdByIds]);
Map<Id, Opportunity> opportunities = new Map<Id, Opportunity>([SELECT Name, Account.Name from Opportunity WHERE Id in :whatIds]);
for(Event e{
if(e.whatid != NULL){
SObjectType type;
type = e.whatid.getSObjectType();
String typee = String.valueOf(type);
if(typee == 'Opportunity'){
String fullTaskURL;
String Facility;
Datetime startDate;
Datetime endDate;
String Purpose;
// Query to populate CreatedBy name in html template
Id createdByID = E.CreatedByID;
String createdByName = users.get(createdByID).Name;
// Query to populate Opportunity name in html template
String oppID = E.whatId;
String oppName = opportunities.get(oppID).Name;
if(E.Site_Visit__C ){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.setSubject(' Alert: A New Visit Record is Created');
fullTaskURL = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + E.Id;
Facility = E.Facility__c;
startDate = E.StartDateTime;
endDate = E.EndDateTime;
Purpose = E.Purpose_of_Visit__c;
//Generate email template
String emailBody;
emailBody = '<html><body>Hi ,<br> <br> A New Site Visit Record has been created: <a href="' + fullTaskURL + '">' + E.Id + '</a><br></body></html>' + '<br> Sales VP: '+ createdByName + '<br> Opportunity/Account Name: '+ oppName + '<br> <br> Site/Facility: ' + Facility+ '<br> Purpose of Visit: ' + Purpose + '<br> Start Date/Time: ' + StartDate + '<br> End Date/Time: ' +endDate + '<br> <br> Thank you <br> <br> Salesforce Admin' ;
mail.setHtmlBody(emailBody );
} }
Grazitti Team