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Need help with Formula field to evaluate blanks

Dear all, this may be really simple but I`m not able to figure it out. I have two Number fields "Agents__c" and "stations__c". I want formula field (# of TRE) which will help me to evaluate that if Agent__C is Blank, it will multiply the amount stations__c * 0.55. Similarly, if stations__c is Blank, it will multiply amount Agent__C * 0.55. If both are blank, it should be zero. Can someone please help me with appropriate formula?

I tried below formulas but it does not work. Formula works well on Agent__c but if Agent__c is Blank, and stations__c has value, it does not work

BLANKVALUE(BLANKVALUE(Agent__c, Section__c), 0) * 0.55

IF( NOT(ISBLANK(Agent__c)), Agent__c, IF( NOT(ISBLANK(Station__c)), Station__c, 0 ) ) * 0.55

Best Answer chosen by Che SFDC
Balaji Chowdary GarapatiBalaji Chowdary Garapati
Try the below formula 
IF( ISBLANK(Agent__c) && ISBLANK(stations__c),0,IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Agent__c)) && ISBLANK(stations__c),Agent__c*0.55,IF(ISBLANK(Agent__c) && NOT(ISBLANK(stations__c)),stations__c*0.55,Agent__c*stations__c) ))

If both are not blank im just multiplying both(assuming it is the requirement ), if that is not true, replace 
Agent__c*stations__c with your desired value.

Hope it helps.,


All Answers

Balaji Chowdary GarapatiBalaji Chowdary Garapati
Try the below formula 
IF( ISBLANK(Agent__c) && ISBLANK(stations__c),0,IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Agent__c)) && ISBLANK(stations__c),Agent__c*0.55,IF(ISBLANK(Agent__c) && NOT(ISBLANK(stations__c)),stations__c*0.55,Agent__c*stations__c) ))

If both are not blank im just multiplying both(assuming it is the requirement ), if that is not true, replace 
Agent__c*stations__c with your desired value.

Hope it helps.,

This was selected as the best answer
Thanks Balaji. it works! :)