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John Neilan
Trigger Error - Attempt to De-Reference Null Object
I'm trying to create a trigger class that will clone an Opportunity that is of a certain record type and reaches a Stage that contains Close Won. Everything saves fine, but when I try to close out an Opp I get the error message:
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Class.ClassRenewalOppClone.cloneOpp: line 8, column 1
Does anyone know why I might be getting this?
Trigger Class:
I'm trying to create a trigger class that will clone an Opportunity that is of a certain record type and reaches a Stage that contains Close Won. Everything saves fine, but when I try to close out an Opp I get the error message:
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Class.ClassRenewalOppClone.cloneOpp: line 8, column 1
Does anyone know why I might be getting this?
Trigger Class:
public class ClassRenewalOppClone { public void cloneOpp(List<Opportunity> cloneOpp){ String recordTypeName = 'Renewals'; Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rtMapByName = Schema.SObjectType.Campaign.getRecordTypeInfosByName(); Schema.RecordTypeInfo rtInfo = rtMapByName.get(recordTypeName); id recType = rtInfo.getRecordTypeId(); FOR(Opportunity opp1 : cloneOpp){ IF(opp1.StageName.contains('Closed Won') && opp1.RecordTypeId == recType){Before Update Trigger:
ClassRenewalOppClone updater4 = new ClassRenewalOppClone(); updater4.cloneOpp(;
All Answers
Check if you have a record type named Renewals on opportunity object, Go to Setup--> Customize--> Opportunities --> record types