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Jeff G
Trigger Updates Opportunity StageName in Practice, But Not in Test Class
Hi all,
I am trying to update the probability and stage name fields for my Opportunity based on the completion of a custom object 'QQ'. My QQ and Opportunity are in a master-detail relationship, and I've rolled up the QQ total % to the Opportunity object.
To go about this, I've written a trigger that compares the QQ roll up percentage with the Opportunity's probablity percentage. If they are different, I change the Opportunity Probability to that of the QQ percentage, and I adjust the Opportunity's stage field based on certain ranges of percentages. For example, if the QQ is 32-52% complete, I change the Opportunity's stage to 'Solution'.
So long as the QQ Roll Up field populates on the Opportunity layout, this trigger works fine in practice. However, when writing a test class for the trigger, the stage field of my opportunity object never changes from the initial stage I declared it as having. Thus I always get an assertion error: System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: Solution, Actual: Warm Prospect
My code is shown below:
(1) Trigger
trigger NOVAUpdateOppProb on Opportunity (before update) {
Map<Id,Decimal>OppRecordMap=new Map<Id,Decimal>(); //To capture the Opp records that had any changes in QQ Rollup
for(Opportunity OppRecord : {
//here I update the Opportunity's stage (if applicable):
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c == 100) {
OppRecord.StageName = 'Closed Won';
else if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c < 0) {
OppRecord.StageName = 'Closed Lost';
else if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c < 100) {
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c<89) {
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c<53) {
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c<32) {
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c<12) {
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c == 0) {
OppRecord.StageName = 'Warm Prospect'; //if 0%. stage is in Warm Prospect phase
else OppRecord.StageName = 'Discovery'; //if 1-11%, stage is in Discovery phase
else OppRecord.StageName = 'Qualify'; //if 12-31%, stage is in Qualify phase
else OppRecord.StageName = 'Solution'; //if 32-52%, stage is in Solution phase
else OppRecord.StageName = 'Close'; //if 53-88%, stage is in Close phase
else OppRecord.StageName = 'Launch'; //if 89-99%, stage is in Launch phase
// Here I update the Opportunity's probability:
if((OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c != OppRecord.Probability) && (OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c != Null)) {
OppRecord.Probability = OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c;
(2) Test Class
public class TestUpdateProbTrigger {
static testMethod void insertNewOpp() {
account acct = new account(Name = 'testing');
insert acct;
Opportunity o = new Opportunity(
Name = 'testing',
AccountId =,
CloseDate =,
StageName = 'Warm Prospect'
insert o;
Opportunity oppty = [SELECT id,
Name from Opportunity where Id =: o.Id limit 1];
System.assertEquals(o.Name, 'testing');
QQ__c q = new QQ__c (
Name = 'test',
Opportunity_m__c =o.Id, //"Opportunity_m" refers to the master-detail field on the QQ
Opportunity__c = o.Id); //"Opportunity__c" refers to the opportunity look-up field on the QQ
Insert q;
System.assertEquals('Warm Prospect', o.StageName);
q.D1_x__c = true;
q.D2_x__c = true;
q.D3_x__c = true;
q.D4_x__c = true;
q.D5_x__c = true;
q.D6_x__c = true;
q.D7_x__c = true;
q.D8_x__c = true;
update q;
//the following assignments change the QQ's percentage, and I manipulate these to (ideally) change the opportunity's stage
q.Q1_x__c = true;
q.Q2_x__c = true;
q.Q3_x__c = true;
q.Q4_x__c = true;
q.Q5_x__c = true;
q.Q6_x__c = true;
q.Q7_x__c = true;
q.Q8_x__c = true;
q.Q9_x__c = true;
q.Q10_x__c = true;
update q;
System.assertEquals('Solution', o.StageName); //THIS IS WHERE I GET THE ASSERTION ERROR
q.S1_x__c = true;
q.S2_x__c = true;
q.S3_x__c = true;
q.S4_x__c = true;
q.S5_x__c = true;
q.S6_x__c = true;
q.S7_x__c = true;
q.S8_x__c = true;
q.S9_x__c = true;
update q;
System.assertEquals('Close', o.StageName);
q.S9_x__c = false;
update q;
System.assertEquals('Solution', o.StageName);
I am not sure why the opportunity in the test class is not changing its stage accordingly. Is it because of the master-detail relationship? I did set it to read/write, though.
Any suggestions would be excellent. Thanks in advance!
I am trying to update the probability and stage name fields for my Opportunity based on the completion of a custom object 'QQ'. My QQ and Opportunity are in a master-detail relationship, and I've rolled up the QQ total % to the Opportunity object.
To go about this, I've written a trigger that compares the QQ roll up percentage with the Opportunity's probablity percentage. If they are different, I change the Opportunity Probability to that of the QQ percentage, and I adjust the Opportunity's stage field based on certain ranges of percentages. For example, if the QQ is 32-52% complete, I change the Opportunity's stage to 'Solution'.
So long as the QQ Roll Up field populates on the Opportunity layout, this trigger works fine in practice. However, when writing a test class for the trigger, the stage field of my opportunity object never changes from the initial stage I declared it as having. Thus I always get an assertion error: System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: Solution, Actual: Warm Prospect
My code is shown below:
(1) Trigger
trigger NOVAUpdateOppProb on Opportunity (before update) {
Map<Id,Decimal>OppRecordMap=new Map<Id,Decimal>(); //To capture the Opp records that had any changes in QQ Rollup
for(Opportunity OppRecord : {
//here I update the Opportunity's stage (if applicable):
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c == 100) {
OppRecord.StageName = 'Closed Won';
else if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c < 0) {
OppRecord.StageName = 'Closed Lost';
else if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c < 100) {
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c<89) {
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c<53) {
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c<32) {
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c<12) {
if(OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c == 0) {
OppRecord.StageName = 'Warm Prospect'; //if 0%. stage is in Warm Prospect phase
else OppRecord.StageName = 'Discovery'; //if 1-11%, stage is in Discovery phase
else OppRecord.StageName = 'Qualify'; //if 12-31%, stage is in Qualify phase
else OppRecord.StageName = 'Solution'; //if 32-52%, stage is in Solution phase
else OppRecord.StageName = 'Close'; //if 53-88%, stage is in Close phase
else OppRecord.StageName = 'Launch'; //if 89-99%, stage is in Launch phase
// Here I update the Opportunity's probability:
if((OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c != OppRecord.Probability) && (OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c != Null)) {
OppRecord.Probability = OppRecord.QQ_Roll_Up__c;
(2) Test Class
public class TestUpdateProbTrigger {
static testMethod void insertNewOpp() {
account acct = new account(Name = 'testing');
insert acct;
Opportunity o = new Opportunity(
Name = 'testing',
AccountId =,
CloseDate =,
StageName = 'Warm Prospect'
insert o;
Opportunity oppty = [SELECT id,
Name from Opportunity where Id =: o.Id limit 1];
System.assertEquals(o.Name, 'testing');
QQ__c q = new QQ__c (
Name = 'test',
Opportunity_m__c =o.Id, //"Opportunity_m" refers to the master-detail field on the QQ
Opportunity__c = o.Id); //"Opportunity__c" refers to the opportunity look-up field on the QQ
Insert q;
System.assertEquals('Warm Prospect', o.StageName);
q.D1_x__c = true;
q.D2_x__c = true;
q.D3_x__c = true;
q.D4_x__c = true;
q.D5_x__c = true;
q.D6_x__c = true;
q.D7_x__c = true;
q.D8_x__c = true;
update q;
//the following assignments change the QQ's percentage, and I manipulate these to (ideally) change the opportunity's stage
q.Q1_x__c = true;
q.Q2_x__c = true;
q.Q3_x__c = true;
q.Q4_x__c = true;
q.Q5_x__c = true;
q.Q6_x__c = true;
q.Q7_x__c = true;
q.Q8_x__c = true;
q.Q9_x__c = true;
q.Q10_x__c = true;
update q;
System.assertEquals('Solution', o.StageName); //THIS IS WHERE I GET THE ASSERTION ERROR
q.S1_x__c = true;
q.S2_x__c = true;
q.S3_x__c = true;
q.S4_x__c = true;
q.S5_x__c = true;
q.S6_x__c = true;
q.S7_x__c = true;
q.S8_x__c = true;
q.S9_x__c = true;
update q;
System.assertEquals('Close', o.StageName);
q.S9_x__c = false;
update q;
System.assertEquals('Solution', o.StageName);
I am not sure why the opportunity in the test class is not changing its stage accordingly. Is it because of the master-detail relationship? I did set it to read/write, though.
Any suggestions would be excellent. Thanks in advance!
When you Update :
in your QQ record after this update of QQ Manually. Then what is result of your opportunity stage?
After D1 through D8 are set as true, the Opportunity stage should be 'Qualify'. After Q1 through Q10 are set as true, the Opportunity stage should be 'Solution'.