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Anirudh Sharma 5Anirudh Sharma 5 

How to get spaces between lines in formula editor ?

Hello ,

       "• Small research study"&br()& "• Planning study/pilot study"&br()&"• Evaluation of a program, tool or intervention"&br()&"• Validation of a program, tool or intervention"&br()&"• Development of a decision aid or clinical practice guideline"&br()&"• Meeting without a focus on PCOR or CER"&br()&"• Career development activities"&br()&"• Supplemental support for a PPRN or other PCORI-funded research project"
&br()& br()& "If so, it is not suitable for an Engagement Award. If you are unsure, indicate in the reviewer disposition that the LOI needs further discussion." 

I need a space between Supplemental support for a PPRN or other PCORI-funded research project" and  "If so, it is not suitable for an Engagement Award. If you are unsure, indicate in the reviewer disposition that the LOI needs further discussion." it should be like 1st line and a space between the 2nd line. 

Cyrus TalladenCyrus Talladen
I am going to assume that you really mean visualforce page editor since you dont seem to be making calculations.  In html the space characaters which does not break line is 

Cyrus Talladen
CRM Engineer