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Tommy Georgiou
help with test class
Hi I am really new in apex and programming.
I received help for the trigger
but do not know how to write the test class for it. I have searched a bit on
But still don't get. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance
I received help for the trigger
trigger UpdateQuoteCheckBox on QuoteLineItem (after insert, after update) { List<Quote> quoteList = new List<Quote>(); for(QuoteLineItem currQli : Trigger.New) { if(currQli.Product2.Family == 'Your Product Family Name') { quoteList.add(new Quote(Id = currQli.QuoteId, Family__c = true)); } } if(!quoteList.isEmpty()) { update quoteList; } }
but do not know how to write the test class for it. I have searched a bit on
But still don't get. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance
Please refer the below class and insert the quoteLineObject in test class and cover the trigger code..
private class SL_TestCloneQuote {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
// TO DO: implement unit test
Opportunity objOpportunity = new Opportunity(Name='Test-Opportunty', AccountId=objAccount.Id, CloseDate=Date.Today(),
StageName='Specified', Project__c=objProject.Id);
insert objOpportunity;
system.assert(objOpportunity.Id != NULL);
Quote objQuote = new Quote(Name='Test-Quote', OpportunityId=objOpportunity.Id, Contractor_Account__c = objAccount.Id, Lead_Time__c = 'test lead time', Pricebook2Id = pricebookId);
insert objQuote;
system.assert(objQuote.Id != NULL);
Product2 objProduct1 = new Product2(Name = 'test01', isActive=true, Manufacturer__c = objAccount.Id, Supplier_Price__c = 12.0);
insert objProduct1;
system.assert(objProduct1.Id != NULL);
PricebookEntry objPriceBookEntry = new PricebookEntry(Pricebook2Id=pricebookId, Product2Id=objProduct1.Id, UnitPrice=99, isActive=true);
insert objPriceBookEntry;
system.assert(objPriceBookEntry.Id != NULL);
List<QuoteLineItem> lstQLI = new List<QuoteLineItem>{
new QuoteLineItem(QuoteId=objQuote.Id, PricebookEntryId=objPriceBookEntry.Id, Quantity=0.1, UnitPrice=1.1,
Override_Auto_Tiered_Pricing__c = true)
insert lstQLI;
List<QuoteLineItem> lstClonedQLI = new List<QuoteLineItem>([select Id from QuoteLineItem where QuoteId =: str]);
Please mark this as best answer if it work to make this community clean and re-usable..Try and let me know if it work for you..
All Answers
Please refer the below class and insert the quoteLineObject in test class and cover the trigger code..
private class SL_TestCloneQuote {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
// TO DO: implement unit test
Opportunity objOpportunity = new Opportunity(Name='Test-Opportunty', AccountId=objAccount.Id, CloseDate=Date.Today(),
StageName='Specified', Project__c=objProject.Id);
insert objOpportunity;
system.assert(objOpportunity.Id != NULL);
Quote objQuote = new Quote(Name='Test-Quote', OpportunityId=objOpportunity.Id, Contractor_Account__c = objAccount.Id, Lead_Time__c = 'test lead time', Pricebook2Id = pricebookId);
insert objQuote;
system.assert(objQuote.Id != NULL);
Product2 objProduct1 = new Product2(Name = 'test01', isActive=true, Manufacturer__c = objAccount.Id, Supplier_Price__c = 12.0);
insert objProduct1;
system.assert(objProduct1.Id != NULL);
PricebookEntry objPriceBookEntry = new PricebookEntry(Pricebook2Id=pricebookId, Product2Id=objProduct1.Id, UnitPrice=99, isActive=true);
insert objPriceBookEntry;
system.assert(objPriceBookEntry.Id != NULL);
List<QuoteLineItem> lstQLI = new List<QuoteLineItem>{
new QuoteLineItem(QuoteId=objQuote.Id, PricebookEntryId=objPriceBookEntry.Id, Quantity=0.1, UnitPrice=1.1,
Override_Auto_Tiered_Pricing__c = true)
insert lstQLI;
List<QuoteLineItem> lstClonedQLI = new List<QuoteLineItem>([select Id from QuoteLineItem where QuoteId =: str]);
Please mark this as best answer if it work to make this community clean and re-usable..Try and let me know if it work for you..