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SFDC Admin 14
Anyone made a Visualforce page of the Send Email page from Tasks?
I am trying to find a way to send emails from Salesforce1 and I think the only way might be to make a VF page of the Send Email page. I need to be able to use email templates and preview it.
Here is the basic VF page
Here is the Controller
Currently i'm progressing thru the novice state of Apex & Visual force and I was looking for a more controlled way to compose email messages which brought me here. So this solution it really great as it would give us far more control but I would also like the ability to select a template from the list of email templates. and use these ..... In general this would allow me to control case status progression as when a support agent also has the ability to select a template communication would also be more consistant.
Hi Brenda, Hi Reader
I implement this same code and trying to slightly modify it. I want to save the EmailMessage in the Activity History. But somehow I'm not able to do it. I got this following exception.
Apparently it shows I need to provide the 15 digit Id in place of 18 digit. The thing which is not making any sense to me is that apparently I'm not doing anything with the Case object then why it is looking for Case ID? I'm providing the Opportunity ID as the ParentId to this email message. How can I make it work? Any help will be appreciable. Thanks.