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venky reddy 6venky reddy 6 

Generate Proxy classes - Integration


I have to unable to reslove this situation. how to aviod  Unknown element: import error in generating proxy classes.
Develop-Apex classes-generate from wsdl-Upload a wsdl file-parse wsdl.
then i got the error message  Error: Failed to parse wsdl: Unknown element: import. 
pls can anyone help me.

Varun PareekVarun Pareek
I think your WSDL file is referencing/importing another schema. This is not supported by platform. Please try to merge the WSDL/schema that the main WSDL is referencing in one WSDL and then import it in
venky reddy 6venky reddy 6
Hi varun,

Thank you varun for giving the quick reply. you said correct but how to merge the WSDL/schema. please let me know any mergeing tools are there. how to process the mergeing WSDL/schema.

Varun PareekVarun Pareek
I do it manually. That may be the route to go. I am not aware of any such tools.

P.S. Please mark the answer solved to help others.
venky reddy 6venky reddy 6
Hi Varun,

Thanks for the giving reply. i am going to do manually. but i have a few doubts about wsdl file. the below written wsdl file format is correct or not.

and one more thing namespace is mandatory  attribute in wsdl. please help me.
