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Gary Payne
Need help with cross-object CASE formula for Lookup Relationship
I need help with the following formula:
CASE( SourceCode__c , Source_Cross_Reference__r.External_Unique_Id__c , Source_Cross_Reference__r.Name ,"N/A")
The SourceCode__c is a custom Lead text field that is populated via the Data Loader with an alphanumeric value, like A1234. I have created a custom object, Cross Reference, that has a lookup relationship with the Lead object. I want to pull the Cross Reference Name associated with the Source Code value, which equals the External Unique Id field value in the Cross Reference object. I cannot get this formula to work in a Workflow Update, nor in a Formula field on the Lead object. Does anyone have a solution that might work?
CASE( SourceCode__c , Source_Cross_Reference__r.External_Unique_Id__c , Source_Cross_Reference__r.Name ,"N/A")
The SourceCode__c is a custom Lead text field that is populated via the Data Loader with an alphanumeric value, like A1234. I have created a custom object, Cross Reference, that has a lookup relationship with the Lead object. I want to pull the Cross Reference Name associated with the Source Code value, which equals the External Unique Id field value in the Cross Reference object. I cannot get this formula to work in a Workflow Update, nor in a Formula field on the Lead object. Does anyone have a solution that might work?
Rajiv Bhatt 16
I am afraid that you may not be able to do this with workflow and will have to write a trigger. Can you please provide an elaborated example (with data values) to give you a precise answer.
Gary Payne
Following is actual data for this issue:
Lead object – API field names: Source__c (picklist), SourceCode__c (Text), Source_Cross_Reference__c (Lookup(Cross Reference)), SourceCrossRefName__c (Formula-Text: CASE( SourceCode__c, Source_Cross_Reference__r.External_Unique_Id__c , Source_Cross_Reference__r.Name ,"N/A")
Values: Source__c = “E4198” this picklist field is being populated via automated Data Loader process
SourceCode is a Text field that is updated to the Source__c value via workflow update
Cross Reference is a custom object that is related to the Lead object via Source_Cross_Reference__c (Lookup(Cross Reference))
CrossRef__c object has text fields: External_System__c, External_Unique_Id__c, and Name
Formula for the Lead object’s SourceCrossRefName__c: CASE( SourceCode__c, Source_Cross_Reference__r.External_Unique_Id__c , Source_Cross_Reference__r.Name ,"N/A")
Data Values: Source__c = “E4198” this picklist value is updated to the SourceCode__c field
CrossRef__c field value for External_Unique_Id__c = “E4198”
CrossRef__c field value for Name = “HUDSON VALLEY”
CrossRef_c field value for External_System__c = “HUDSON VALLEY” (possible future duplicates in the Unique Id field but there won’t be the same Unique ID + External System values combined)
Need to update the Lead’s Cross Reference Name field based on the SourceCode__c value.
Gary Payne, CRM Administrator/Information Technology
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