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Sugandhi Verma
Help!!!!!! adding field values using apex:variable
I am adding the field value with the apex:variable but getting the error--"Incorrect parameter type for operator '+'. Expected Text, received Number" Below is my code,please helppp:
I am adding the field value with the apex:variable but getting the error--"Incorrect parameter type for operator '+'. Expected Text, received Number" Below is my code,please helppp:
<apex:variable value="{!0.00}" var="total1"/> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockTable title="Your Item" value="{!selectedWrapperList}" var="wrapRec" rendered="{!selectedList}" > <apex:column value="{!wrapRec.Name}" /> <apex:column ><apex:outputField value="{!wrapRec.T_Price__c}" /> <apex:variable var="total1" value="{! total1 + wrapRec.T_Price__c}" /> <!-- Footer of the first Cell -->> <apex:facet name="footer"> Total:{!total1} <span class="t1"></span> </apex:facet> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock> <script> document.getElementsByClassName('t1')[0].innerHTML = '{!total1}'; </script>
Use the below code
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It's Java datatype Conversion method.It is not working in the apex:variable statement.
Error-Unknown function "String.ValueOf"
Pasete controller sample code here.
my controller contained the above code...
1. & - Ampersand character to concatenate 2 strings.
2. TEXT() - To convert a number to string.
3. VALUE() - To convert a string to number.
You may use any function available in Formula Fields in VF Merge Fields (except a few).
Note:<apex:variable> does not support reassignment inside of an iteration component, such as <apex:dataTable> or <apex:repeat>. The result of doing so, e.g., incrementing the <apex:variable> as a counter, is unsupported and undefined.
And you are trying to use it inside of an iteration
Have a look on the documentation
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It's showing the wrong results as i am adding a field of number type and a variable in value attribute.
Actually this code is working fine...m using this concept..
my class is:
The variable 'total1' is of Object type, logically you need to convert it to a decimal before adding.
So {!(VALUE(total1) + wrapRec.T_Price__c)} or {!(VALUE(TEXT(total1)) + wrapRec.T_Price__c)} may work.
Disclaimer : I have not really tried this on a Page but this seems logical, if addition can happen in the value attribute.
I have tried that also but it's not working.
number1__c and T_Price__c
Is there any difference.