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Edward StanawayEdward Stanaway 

Bringing an integer into an IF statement


I'm trying to wrap my head around a particular problem.   We have some number fields, and these fields need to produce 2 things:  The number entered if they are filled out, and if they are not filled out a -1 answer.

So far I am using the following statement, which accomplishes 1/2 the job (getting -1 as an answer if blank).   Does anyone know how to bring the entered number into the results, should the field be filled out?

IF(ISBLANK(My_number field), '-1', '0')

Thanks for any leads.
Best Answer chosen by Edward Stanaway
Sorry missed that!  This should do it:
IF( ISBLANK( My_Number_Field__c ) , '-1',  TEXT(My_Number_Field__c) )


All Answers

Hi Edward,

Would this work for you?
IF( ISBLANK( My_Number_Field__c ) , -1, My_Number_Field__c )

Let me know if I misunderstood the question.
Edward StanawayEdward Stanaway
Sadly no.  The logic used requires text.

Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'IF()'. Expected Text, received Number
Sorry missed that!  This should do it:
IF( ISBLANK( My_Number_Field__c ) , '-1',  TEXT(My_Number_Field__c) )

This was selected as the best answer
Muralidhar SingriMuralidhar Singri
I believe you have to make it of type string and then it should work. Try this:
IF( ISBLANK string('( My_Number_Field__c ), ' + '-1', + 'My_Number_Field__c' ))