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Help with basic trigger - Case Owner Blank
I have written the following trigger which isn't working. When I change the Case Owner i get error message "Case Owner: owner cannot be blank".
The Back_Up__c field is a lookup field and so exists in the User Object and so when you a user creates / updates a Case the Back_Up__c field is automatically populated via another Apex class.
When my trigger is executed it seems that Salesforce has not populated field Back_Up__c and hence the erro rmessage above is displayed. Is this correct? How do i get around this? Please help?
trigger CaseAssignmentOutofOffice on Case (before update) {
For (Case c : Trigger.New) {
Case NewCase = Trigger.newMap.get(;
Case OldCase = Trigger.oldMap.get(;
If (OldCase.OwnerId != NewCase.OwnerId && c.Status != 'Closed'){
c.OwnerId = c.Back_Up__c;
c.IsBackUp__c = True;
I have written the following trigger which isn't working. When I change the Case Owner i get error message "Case Owner: owner cannot be blank".
The Back_Up__c field is a lookup field and so exists in the User Object and so when you a user creates / updates a Case the Back_Up__c field is automatically populated via another Apex class.
When my trigger is executed it seems that Salesforce has not populated field Back_Up__c and hence the erro rmessage above is displayed. Is this correct? How do i get around this? Please help?
trigger CaseAssignmentOutofOffice on Case (before update) {
For (Case c : Trigger.New) {
Case NewCase = Trigger.newMap.get(;
Case OldCase = Trigger.oldMap.get(;
If (OldCase.OwnerId != NewCase.OwnerId && c.Status != 'Closed'){
c.OwnerId = c.Back_Up__c;
c.IsBackUp__c = True;
give condition in your trigger as follows:
For (Case c : Trigger.New) {
Case NewCase = Trigger.newMap.get(;
Case OldCase = Trigger.oldMap.get(;
If (OldCase.OwnerId != NewCase.OwnerId && c.Status != 'Closed' && (c.Back_Up__c!=null || c.Back_Up__c!='')){
c.OwnerId = c.Back_Up__c;
c.IsBackUp__c = True;
I have already tried this. I still get the same error message as above "Case Owner: Owner cannot be Blank"
Can you please tell me,while creating a case object,Back_Up__c field is populating record or not?Though this field is updating through apex class.
Better you can update Back_Up__c field in after insert of Case.
Yes i can confirm that when creating / updating a Case then Back_Up__c is populated. But when changing the Owner i dont understand why i get the error message that Case Owner is Blank. I think you are right i will have to do a After Update. But not sure how i do this. Could you please help?
Their is another concern,
Is their any look up filter in Back_Up__c field?
Implement the same logic implemeted in apex class for after insert of trigger.
There is no filter!
I have implemendt the same logic but it wont work.
trigger CaseAssignmentOutofOffice on Case (after update) {
set<id> setCaseOwnerIds=new set<id>();
map<id,User> mapUser=new map<id,User>([select id, UserRole.Name, ManagerId, Senior_Coordinator__c, Back_Up__c from User where id in :setCaseOwnerIds]);
For (Case c : Trigger.New) {
Case NewCase = Trigger.newMap.get(;
Case OldCase = Trigger.oldMap.get(;
if (mapUser.get(c.OwnerId)!=null){
If (OldCase.OwnerId != NewCase.OwnerId && c.Status != 'Closed' && (c.Back_Up__c!=null || c.Back_Up__c!='')){
c.OwnerId = c.Back_Up__c;
c.IsBackUp__c = True;
update c;