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Unable to Save email in the Activity History
I have a custom button to send an email. The code is working fine. Now I would like to insert those email in the activity history. I did set mail.setSaveAsActivity(true). But when I click the button it is showing the error as: I am unable to resolve this. Any help is appreciated. The following is my code.
Apex Class Code:
global class memberApproval { webservice static boolean callApproval(Id localId) { set<Id> Uid = new set<Id>(); String grpId = Label.GroupId; List<GroupMember> Lst =[Select Id, UserOrGroupId From GroupMember Where GroupId =: grpId]; if(Lst.size()>0){ opportunity opp =[select id, from opportunity where Id =:localId]; for(GroupMember g:Lst){ Uid.add(g.UserOrGroupId); } if(Uid.size()>0){ List<User> Lstuser = [select id,email from user where Id In:Uid]; if(Lstuser.size()>0){ List<String> EmailIds = new List<string>(); for(User u:Lstuser){ EmailIds.add(u.Email); } //New instance of a single email message Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); // Who you are sending the email to mail.setToAddresses( EmailIds ); String templateIdVal= Label.TemplateId; String[] bccEmail = new String[]{}; // The email template ID used for the email mail.setTemplateId(templateIdVal); mail.setTargetObjectId(userinfo.getuseriD()); mail.setwhatid(; mail.setBccSender(true); mail.setBccAddresses(bccEmail); mail.setUseSignature(false); mail.setReplyTo(; mail.setSenderDisplayName('Confirmation of Order Quote'); mail.setSaveAsActivity(true); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } } return true; } }Custom Button Code:
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/15.0/connection.js")} {!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/15.0/apex.js")} sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}"; var contactCheck = sforce.connection.query("SELECT id from Attachment where parentid = '{!Opportunity.Id}'"); records = contactCheck.getArray("records"); if(records.length == 0){ alert('With out Attachment you can not send Email'); }else{ sforce.apex.execute("memberApproval","callApproval",{localId:"{!Opportunity.Id}"}); alert("Email Sent."); }
Email.setTagetObjectId() must specify a contact, otherwise setWhatId() is not allowed.
It seems to be behaving as expected and there is already an existing idea to modify this behavior: