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prasanth kumar
Error: Unknown property 'zipcodes2.pcode
vf code:-
apex code:-
visual force page showing error as unknown component. please help
Error: Unknown property 'zipcodes2.pcode
vf code:-
apex code:-
public class zipcodes2 { List pcode{set;get;} public zipcodes2() { pcode = [SELECT Id FROM Postal_codes__c] ; } }
Class:- Page should be :-
Please mark this as solution if this will help you, So that is some has same issue this post can help
Amit Chaudhary
All Answers
If you get the answer, please mark it as the correct answer. It will be a help to others who are facing the same problem later.
Also probably you may have missed the type of the List.
Class:- Page should be :-
Please mark this as solution if this will help you, So that is some has same issue this post can help
Amit Chaudhary
<apex:page controller="setterGetterapex_class" >
<apex:pageBlock title="My calculations">
<apex:commandButton value="ADD" action="{!add}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="SUB" action="{!sub}"/>
<apex:BlockSection title="Simple Operations">
<apex:outputLabel>Enter x value</apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputText value="{!xvalue}"/>
<apex:outputLabel>Enter y value</apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputText value="{!yvalue}"/>
you ave performed{!opretion of value{!xvalue} and {!yvalue} finally result is{!result} }