function readOnly(count){ }
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<apex:page StandardController="Account" >
To open a VF page in a popup you need to select the Behaviour for the button as "Execute Javascript" and add the javascript in the text area as below.'/apex/test','mypopup','top=150,left=200,location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1, width=500,height=600');
Hope this helps.
All Answers
Chose content source as VFP and select the page you want to open in popup.
Otherwise you could chose Execute Java Script and use java script method to open it in popup.
Is there a tutorial where it uses List button and visualforce page.
I dont use standard object, it is can be contoller="cuntom__c"
To open a VF page in a popup you need to select the Behaviour for the button as "Execute Javascript" and add the javascript in the text area as below.'/apex/test','mypopup','top=150,left=200,location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1, width=500,height=600');
Hope this helps.