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Nitzan MarinovNitzan Marinov 

Creating my own Web Form

Hi everyone,

I would like to create a web form to feed the contact standard object and a couple of custom objects.

I've been looking everywhere and all I can find is how to build an App, which is not what I want. 

Can anyone direct me to a tutorial that shows me how to do that?

All I really need is to understand how to create a new page based on the Contacts object.

Nitzan MarinovNitzan Marinov
Just to clarify. At the moment I'm only looking to create this within the Dev environment so I'm not too bothered about publishing it. 
If it works out, I will look to publish it.
Shailendra Singh ParmarShailendra Singh Parmar
Hi Nitzan,
This is something that you can start in dev envirnment
William TranWilliam Tran
Are you looking to use out of the box feature or custom visualforce page?

Nitzan MarinovNitzan Marinov
William - Out of the box, if possible. 
Shailendra - I'll check it out. Looks like a Visualforce jobbie...

William TranWilliam Tran

OOTB, the only thing you can do is create a new page layout and display it where appropriate, the data is restricted to the contacts and related lists of the contacts.

If you use customization, you can do virtually anything.


Here's an example of a VF page that display all these fields for the accounts you have access to.
<APEX:PAGE standardcontroller="account" recordsetvar="accounts">
<apex:sectionheader title="Accounts"/>
       <apex:pageBlock title="Accounts"  id="test">
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accounts}" var="acc">
                <apex:column headerValue="Name" value="{!acc.Name}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="AccountNumber" value="{!acc.AccountNumber}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="AccountSource" value="{!acc.AccountSource}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Type" value="{!acc.Type}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Site" value="{!acc.Site}"/>               
                <apex:column headerValue="YearStarted" value="{!acc.YearStarted}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Industry" value="{!acc.Industry}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Phone" value="{!acc.Phone}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Rating" value="{!acc.Rating}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Sic" value="{!acc.Sic}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Website" value="{!acc.Website}"/>

Nitzan MarinovNitzan Marinov
Thanks, William.

This is an example of displaying Accounts records. I'm looking to create contacts from the web form to the SF database.

I've been looking for some examples on the link Shailendra gave me but it only showed me how to update fields for an existing record.

Do you have an example for creating new records?

Thanks again
William TranWilliam Tran
Sure, but what are you looking for the contact details page?

Nitzan MarinovNitzan Marinov
I want to allow people to supply their contact details on a web form and have it saved directly to the Contacts object along with a couple of custom objects.

I could have it save to the leads object and the create a flow to copy it over. The thing is, I need to be able to get it into the object in the first place.

Here's an example of the form I'm looking to populate:

User-added image

William TranWilliam Tran
You should explore the out of the box feature called web to case.

Once you get the data in, you can use Process builder to create contacts, and other objects.

You can use triggers too (but that's more technical).

Nitzan MarinovNitzan Marinov
Thanks, William.

I'll take a look.

Inna GuptaInna Gupta
Hey Nitzan, Did you find a solution to this? I am looking for the similar help.
Nitzan MarinovNitzan Marinov
Hi Inna, Not really. I think you'd want to explore some AppExchange options like Form Assembly or other forms supplier. They do have a price tag, though. Nitzan
Shailendra Singh ParmarShailendra Singh Parmar
Hi Nitzan,
Here is a free appExchange option for your needs.

Salesforce doesn't have out of the box wizard for contact like Lead.

Nitzan MarinovNitzan Marinov
Thanks Shailendra, I'll take a look.
Nitzan MarinovNitzan Marinov
Thanks, Shailendra I'll take a look.