function readOnly(count){ }
Starting November 20, the site will be set to read-only. On December 4, 2023,
forum discussions will move to the Trailblazer Community.
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eliotstock4eliotstock4 Developer, 5 years experience, available for contract work, London, UK


I'm a Developer with five years' experience on the platform available for short contracts or a longer term part time role either working on site or remotely, based in London, UK.

I most recently built a payroll system for an employment agency, both exposing a JSON API and integrating with another external JSON API from This system now handles £40M p.a. in revenue.

I typically work with teams that have their admin and support role already covered in house, and I focus solely on the development, sometimes with some custom object modelling. I can help you make the best use of the platform and build the minimum amount of code to get the job done. I also build modern web applications integrated with a backend, using Javascript, HTML and CSS and native iOS and Android apps.

Drop me an email at sf.roles [at] eliotstock [dot] com if I can help.

Eliot Stock