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Question about apex:detail statement
I'm trying to modify the code from Grid Buddy to put this VF page at the bottom of the Related List section.
Here is the original code that works great:
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
<apex:variable var="gridPage" value="{!URLFOR($Page.GBFree__Grid)}" />
<apex:variable var="gridPage" value="{!gridPage & IF(CONTAINS(gridPage, '?'), '&', '?')}" />
<iframe id="gridFrame" scrolling="auto" height="480" width="100%" frameborder="0" src="{!gridPage}gname=Add Reviewers to Opportunity&id={!Opportunity.Id}&sbb=1&sh=0&ssb=0"></iframe>
I tried using the apex:detail statement and received errors. Can someone give me a hand with this? Thank you!
Here is the original code that works great:
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
<apex:variable var="gridPage" value="{!URLFOR($Page.GBFree__Grid)}" />
<apex:variable var="gridPage" value="{!gridPage & IF(CONTAINS(gridPage, '?'), '&', '?')}" />
<iframe id="gridFrame" scrolling="auto" height="480" width="100%" frameborder="0" src="{!gridPage}gname=Add Reviewers to Opportunity&id={!Opportunity.Id}&sbb=1&sh=0&ssb=0"></iframe>
I tried using the apex:detail statement and received errors. Can someone give me a hand with this? Thank you!
I tried the below. I'm not very experienced using Apex....just know enough to get myself in trouble.
<apex:detail var="gridPage" value="{!URLFOR($Page.GBFree__Grid)}" />
<apex:detail var="gridPage" value="{!gridPage & IF(CONTAINS(gridPage, '?'), '&', '?')}" />
Can you please try this:
<apex:detail subject="{!accountId}" relatedList="false" title="false"/>
In this "subject" attribute will contain the ID of the record for which details should be displayed.
Please mark this as solution if works.
For more info:
Thank you both for your help. @William, thanks for the link - I will spend some time learing how to do this.
@Jai, I think you meant to type this:
<apex:detail subject="{!opportunity.accountId}" relatedList="false" title="false"/>
So I tried moving the VF page down to under the Related List section on the page layout with the above change I made, and the Layout editor still prevents me from doing so. Am I missing something?