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SFDC Admin 104SFDC Admin 104 

Add sample to Sample Request

We have a Add Sample to Sample request button that was working just fine. Now it opens a new window and doesnt populate the samples. What changed? Opened a ticket with sales force and they pretty much said it's your problem. And sent me here.
Anirudh SinghAnirudh Singh

Please can you elaborate your issue? What is "Add Sample" to "Sample Request button" and what does the functionality do? Are you using a visualforce page. Please elaborate all of this as your issue is not clear.

Thanks and Regards,
Anirudh Singh
SFDC Admin 104SFDC Admin 104
See Picture below.
User-added image
When selected I get the next pic

User-added image
Anirudh SinghAnirudh Singh

It looks like "Add Samples to Sample Request" is a custom button.
Please go to the Object "Sample Request" and then go to "Buttons, Links, and Actions", and open the button "Add Samples to Sample Request". Check there, if you have to open the new page in the same window then select "Behavior" as "Display in existing window with sidebar". 

Also, can you let me know the details about the button, is it using Javascript.

Thanks and Regards,
Anirudh Singh
SFDC Admin 104SFDC Admin 104
Not sure I follow. I looked in sales force for the Links and Actions but didnt see it. And yes the button appears to be using Java because I looked at the HTML code for the button and it references java. Please keep in mind I am no developer so its all greek to me.
Anirudh SinghAnirudh Singh

Did you check for "Buttons, Links, and Actions" in "Sample Request" object. To do this click on 'Setup'----> Create----> Objects----> Sample Request----> Buttons, Links, and Actions.
Click on the "Add Samples to Sample Request" button. Give me a screenshot of the page.

Thanks and Regards,
Anirudh Singh
SFDC Admin 104SFDC Admin 104
User-added image
Anirudh SinghAnirudh Singh

I can not see the Modified By field year clearly in the screenshot. Please can you let me know when was it last modified seeing the Modified year? Though I can see the date and month as 29th and September, so the possible year can be last year or before that. Therefore, I dont think that it was recently changed.

Can you please let me know, when you clicked on the button earlier, does it open in the same page rather than a new window? Or how does it behaved?

If the button was modified last year i.e. 2014 or before that, then the only thing that could have changed is Content Source "Custom S-Control", it is listed in "Custom S-Control" field, you can click on the link and then check when was it last modified by checking the Modified Date.

Also, I can see in the screenshot, that the Behavior is 'Display in a new window', to display on the same tab, click edit and then change the
"Behavior" as "Display in existing window with sidebar".

Please let me know if it helps.

Thanks and Regards,
Anirudh Singh
SFDC Admin 104SFDC Admin 104
It was modified by me just last week changing the display properties. Prior to that is has not been edited since 2007. I changed the display properties to display in same window with side bar please see pic below.

User-added image
Anirudh SinghAnirudh Singh

Ok. The earlier screenshot you attached was displaying the Behaviour as 'Display in a new window'. If you have changes to the display in the same window with side bar, it should be opening in the same window. Is it working properly now?
How was it working previously? 
Did you check if the S-Control was modifed recently?

Thanks and Regards,
Anirudh Singh
SFDC Admin 104SFDC Admin 104
Ok well either New window or existing window doesnt display the samples. its supposed to pull samples that are preloaded. Families of samples or singles the form shows no data.
Anirudh SinghAnirudh Singh

Did you check if the S-Control was modified recently?

Though I cannot tell what exactly is wrong until I have a look on the Org myself.

Thanks and Regards,
Anirudh Singh
SFDC Admin 104SFDC Admin 104
To my knowledge it was not. What would you need from me for you to take a look see.
Anirudh SinghAnirudh Singh
I will need the access to the Org if possible.
Anirudh SinghAnirudh Singh

As discussed, please move the static resources from Sandbox to Production and it will work properly.

Thanks and Regards,
Anirudh Singh