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Clone button - with selected picklist value

Hi All,

I have a custom clone button at the custom opportunity page where when the user clicks on the button, all the field should be populated except the ‘Stage’ filed. I would want to update the ‘Stage’ field with a fixed value. Need some advice on how to achieve this.

Best Answer chosen by pJabeen
William TranWilliam Tran
 I would want to update the ‘Stage’ field with a fixed value. --> What does that mean?

have you tried opp.Stagename ='Prospecting';

where opp is the variable for the opportunity.

if in the URL then try: &opp11=prospecting

If you still have issues, can you post the code for the button?


All Answers

William TranWilliam Tran
 I would want to update the ‘Stage’ field with a fixed value. --> What does that mean?

have you tried opp.Stagename ='Prospecting';

where opp is the variable for the opportunity.

if in the URL then try: &opp11=prospecting

If you still have issues, can you post the code for the button?

This was selected as the best answer
Hi Jabeen,

If your opportunity page is custom, and same page contains the Clone button, then in the controller, you can populate the fields and a specific value for Stage.

If your opportunity page is standard, and you have created a custom button 'Clone', then by url hacking, you can populate the fields and a specific value for stage.

If you need any further help, you can contact me on my personal ids specified on my profile.

Thanks William your idea worked :)