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Elyse McCullaElyse McCulla 

Wave Trailhead Problem

I am getting this erro when trying to add the Wave Analytics Manager permiossion set to a user. The permission set contains the Create and Edit Wave Analytics Dashboards, so I am not sure wht the problem is? The profile is System Admin. User license is Salesforce.

"Can't assign permission set Wave Analytics Manager to user Elyse McCulla. The user license doesn't allow the permission: Create and Edit Wave Analytics Dashboards"    
Please check your profile level setting one more time 
Missy LongshoreMissy Longshore
Hi Elyse, I believe I had this same problem because there were two things that were named almost exactly the same - something like permission set X and permission set Y. It was really easy to miss in the setup because they were right next to each other and it's different from standard salesforce. I hope this helps a bit! Missy
Marlon Urias 8Marlon Urias 8
make sure you add the Permission set Licenses first instead of the Permission set to your user
Elyse McCullaElyse McCulla
Thank you all! I have gone in and added every permission with "wave" or "Analytics" in the name. I have also checked the permission set license and I have Analytics Cloud Builder and Analytics Cloud Explorer. Any other ideas? I am now getting an error that says: "Can't assign permission set Wave Analytics Manager to user Elyse McCulla. The user license doesn't allow the permission: Manage Wave Analytics Templated Apps "
Arjun SrivastavaArjun Srivastava
Hey Elyse,
Make sure you add the Permission set Licenses first instead of the Permission set to your user
Make sure you have unchecked permission 'Manage Wave Analytics Templated Apps',
'Use Wave Analytics Templated Apps' & 'View Wave Analytics on Communities pages' [if community not enabled by default] in your permission set.
And then follow very good step by step process listed here :
I was facing same issue.Above linked helped me resolved this error.


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