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Martin Cadman 2016Martin Cadman 2016 

Deleting trailhead account

Is there a way to remove a trailhead account? I have two and various links to trailhead will take me to different instances. 
No, there is not a way to delete an account.
Martin Cadman 2016Martin Cadman 2016
Can one of them be deactivated? It's very frustrating having different links take me to different trailhead accounts.
No, there is no way to deactivate it.  After some time (I think 6mo) of inactivity the account will automatically be removed.
Graham Hepburn 13Graham Hepburn 13
I have the same issue tried wiping the cache no joy depending which machine I am on dictates which I account I log into very frustrating
Chavan ShrikantChavan Shrikant
Go through the link it might help you :