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Linda 98Linda 98 

Need some help on ant migration tool


i had build the package and all and ran the retrieve from command prompt.
I want custom fields to be retrived.So i had explicitly mentioned custom fields name in my package.xml file.
Like custom fields on standard objects .
But when i look at my retrived data,i dont see anything like that.
I am not able to conform that i got fields backed up.

I am scared to deploy again as i may loose the data.
Where can i find those data?Please point me regarding this.

Thanks in advance!!

Alexander TsitsuraAlexander Tsitsura
Hi dev,

Please confirm that you using fully naming(include object name):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">

The retrieved field "Phone__c" is stored in Account.object file(not separate files for custom fields).

Linda 98Linda 98
Oh...OK...i had done that.
So i should be good now.
Thank you.