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Salesforce Admin 110Salesforce Admin 110 

code error

problem with code
i need to refactor this code:
error = Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: List<pba__Listing__c&gt line 31
public without sharing class copylistingpricetproperty {

    public static void resisales(List<pba__Property__c> propertyIds){
        Id recId = Schema.SObjectType.pba__Property__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Residential Sales').getRecordTypeId();

   /*    list<pba__Property__c> properties = [select id, name, published__C from pba__Property__c where id in :propertyIds and published__c = true];
                set<id> propertiesset = new set<id>();
        for(pba__Property__c prop : properties) 
                propertiesset.add(prop.Id);    */  

        list<pba__Listing__c> listings = [select id, pba__ListingPrice_pb__c,pba__Status__c,pba__Property__c,  recordtypeid, name from pba__Listing__c where /* id in :propertiesset  and */	recordtypeid = :recId and pba__Status__c = 'Approved']; 
        set<id>listset = new set<id>();
        for(pba__Listing__c lists : listings)
        List<pba__Property__c> propstoUpdate = new List<pba__Property__c>(); 
     for(pba__Property__c propp : propertyIds)
         if( listset.contains( 
         listings.pba__ListingPrice_pb__c = propp.Asking_price__c;
        update propsToUpdate;

Mahesh DMahesh D

Please do let me know if it works, I implemented it based on my understanding.
public without sharing class copylistingpricetproperty {

    public static void resisales(List<pba__Property__c> propertyIds){
		Id recId = Schema.SObjectType.pba__Property__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Residential Sales').getRecordTypeId();
        List<pba__Property__c> properties = [select id, name, published__C from pba__Property__c where id in :propertyIds and published__c = true];
        Set<id> propertiesSet = new Set<id>();
        if(!properties.isEmpty() {
			for(pba__Property__c prop : properties) {
			list<pba__Listing__c> listings = [select id, pba__ListingPrice_pb__c, pba__Status__c, pba__Property__c,  recordtypeid, name from pba__Listing__c where recordtypeid = :recId and pba__Status__c = 'Approved']; 
			Map<Id, pba__Listing__c> listPropMap = new Map<Id, pba__Listing__c>();
			for(pba__Listing__c lists : listings) {
				listPropMap.put(lists.pba__Property__c, lists);
			for(pba__Property__c prop : properties) {
				if(listPropMap.get(prop.Id) != null) {
					prop.Asking_price__c = listPropMap.get(prop.Id).pba__ListingPrice_pb__c;
			update properties;

Also if possible paste your full requirement if it doesn't work.

Please do let me know if it helps you.
