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ying liu 14ying liu 14 

deploy gloabl picklist


How to deploy global picklist? I didn't find any metadata for global picklist.
Help me please.
Thank you very much!
Best Answer chosen by ying liu 14
Josh KukovecJosh Kukovec
This worked, for me, in my package.xml:


When retrieving, it creates a folder named "globalPicklists" 

My package.xml API version is set to 36.

All Answers

Josh KukovecJosh Kukovec
This worked, for me, in my package.xml:


When retrieving, it creates a folder named "globalPicklists" 

My package.xml API version is set to 36.
This was selected as the best answer
ying liu 14ying liu 14
Thank you Josh. It works.
Raghu Natha 2Raghu Natha 2
GlobalPicklist components are available in API version 37.0 only. In API version 38.0 and later, GlobalPicklist is replaced by the GlobalValueSet type.