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David MeatsDavid Meats 

Trail Head : Module - Reports and Dashboards - Keeping getting an error after completing the challenge

I am a newbie to this and enjoying learning Sales force but I keep getting the same error. I think the logic is right as it returns the correct records back in the report.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Please check that you have a filter for Stages that are not equal to Closed Won or Closed Lost.

Here is my logic that I am using.

Filtered By:1 AND (2 AND 3)   Edit 
   1. Amount greater than "25,000" 
   2. Stage not equal to Closed Won 
   3. Stage not equal to Closed Lost 
Best Answer chosen by David Meats

Try as shown in the screenshot:

User-added image

Let me know if it worked for you!


All Answers


Try as shown in the screenshot:

User-added image

Let me know if it worked for you!

This was selected as the best answer
Mahesh DMahesh D
Hi David,

With your Validation Rule:

Filtered By:1 AND (2 AND 3)   Edit 
   1. Amount greater than "25,000" 
   2. Stage not equal to Closed Won 
   3. Stage not equal to Closed Lost 

What It will do is, Stage not equals to Closed Won And Stage not equals to Closed Lost.

But what is the Challenge is asking is OR

Here you can write something like Below:

Filtered By:1 AND 2   Edit 
   1. Amount greater than "25,000" 
   2. Stage not equal to (Closed Won, Closed Lost)

Please do let me know if it helps you.

David MeatsDavid Meats
Thanks AG that solved the problem...