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Which developer account to use for trailhead

I am new to trailhead and I have two developer accounts. One created last year with my personal email address ( and another is today with my salesforce email address (
I am starting one of the module on trailhead but before that want to reach out to someone to ask what account i should use for all trailhead module so that I dont loose my badges and can have them display correctly on my profiles.
Any help is apprecieated.
Best Answer chosen by HetalJoshi
Hi Hetal,

I found few issues when you use your company Id, because if it got de-activate at a later stage then it will be tough to get that id and you will loose all your badges. Better use personal email id.

I have seen many questions related to using the company id and not able to recover them after they leave from the company on this forum.


All Answers

Mahesh DMahesh D
Hi Hetal,

You can use any of your Developer Environment accounts, doesn't make much difference. I would recommend to use the one with personal email id.

Please do let me know if it helps you.

Thank you Mahesh for your quick response.
That really helps.

Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Hi Hetal Joshi 4,

You can use your any developer account for trailhead. I will recomment you to create new developer account and use the "" email address only if you want to add your badges for your company.

1) Later you can change the email id any time.
2) Name Space and domain should not enable in your developer account.

Hi Amit,

Thank you for your response. Yes I want to add the badges for company and so i will use developer account which has my salesforce email address.
Also, how do I make sure Note 2? Is there any setting for it that I need to check?

Hi Hetal,

I found few issues when you use your company Id, because if it got de-activate at a later stage then it will be tough to get that id and you will loose all your badges. Better use personal email id.

I have seen many questions related to using the company id and not able to recover them after they leave from the company on this forum.

This was selected as the best answer
Thanks for the information AG,
So can i use my personal Id, and use my company's email address for that Id? 
By doing that, I can change the email address to my personal email address later if I decides to leave teh company?

Mahesh DMahesh D
Hi Hetal,

Yes you can do that and all the best for your Trailhead Modules.

Hi Hetal,

Yes, AS @Mahesh said you can do that.

Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Hi Hatal,

You can add your personal user Name and user your company email id, If you will not use your company email id then badges will not count in your company account.

NOTE:- Same i did for my company. Even please check with in your company if you will add your personal email id then it will not count under your company name

In future if you will change your company then you can change your email id. For Name space issue just create new developer account.

Happy learning.
Thank you everyone for the responses. I got the answer I was looking for.
