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Deleting components using ANT migration tool


Can any one help me how to implement the destructive changes using the ANT migration tool., I want to achieve doing the multiple deployments at same time while moving my changes to production. basically I need to delete some componenrts during the same deployment using ANT while I do actual deployment. I am not clear with documentation I refered about 'destructionChanges.xml'...Can anyone explain in detail with example if possible 

Best Answer chosen by vnookala23
Temoc MunozTemoc Munoz
Hi vnookala.

I believe this is your best resource:

Watch the video around minute 11. However, I suggest you watch the whole video so you can get an idea on how this works.


All Answers

Temoc MunozTemoc Munoz
Hi vnookala.

I believe this is your best resource:

Watch the video around minute 11. However, I suggest you watch the whole video so you can get an idea on how this works.

This was selected as the best answer
Thanks Temoc Munoz

Can I add and remove the components using the same command. 
Temoc MunozTemoc Munoz
I believe so. You just need to create a package first.

See this example:
David Roberts 4David Roberts 4