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sreekanth reddysreekanth reddy 

Test Class For below code.

Hi All,
How to write test class for below class.pls help me

public class searchres2

    public String selectedvalue { get; set; }
    public string country{get;set;}
    public string TypeOfProgram{get;set;}
    public string  CourseSepcialisation1{get;set;}
    public string CourseCategory3{get;set;}
    public list<University_Database__c> bank{get;set;}
    Public University_Database__c ban{get;set;}
    public id sh;
    public void login()
        bank = [select id,Country1__c,TypeOfProgram__c,Course_Sepcialisation1__c,Course_Category__c from University_Database__c where Country1__c=:country 
                                                                                and TypeOfProgram__c=:TypeOfProgram and Course_Category__c=:CourseCategory3 and Course_Sepcialisation1__c=:CourseSepcialisation1 LIMIT 1000];
    public String getSelected_value() 
        return null;
     public List<SelectOption> getcountryOptions()    
        List<SelectOption> options =  new List<SelectOption>();    
        options.add(new selectOption('None','--- None ---'));    
        Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = University_Database__c.Country1__c.getDescribe();    
        List<Schema.picklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();    
        for(Schema.picklistEntry f:ple)    
            options.add(new selectOption(f.getLabel(),f.getValue()));
        return options;
     public List<SelectOption> getTypeOfProgramOptions()    
        List<SelectOption> options =  new List<SelectOption>();    
        options.add(new selectOption('None','--- None ---'));    
        Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = University_Database__c.TypeOfProgram__c.getDescribe();    
        List<Schema.picklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();    
        for(Schema.picklistEntry f:ple)    
            options.add(new selectOption(f.getLabel(),f.getValue()));
        return options;
    public List<SelectOption> getCourseCategory3Options()    
        List<SelectOption> options =  new List<SelectOption>();    
        options.add(new selectOption('None','--- None ---'));    
        Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = University_Database__c.Course_Category__c.getDescribe();    
        List<Schema.picklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();    
        for(Schema.picklistEntry f:ple)    
            options.add(new selectOption(f.getLabel(),f.getValue()));
        return options;
sandeep sankhlasandeep sankhla
Hi Sreekanth,

You can simply insert the records for University_Database__c with the conditions which you have mentioned and then you can call other methods , it will cover the class for you...if you have already startted with test class then share teh code so I can help you to increase the coverage...
