You need to sign in to do that
Don't have an account?
David Roberts 4
Assign an Account to a custom object's field that is an account lookup.
I'm having great difficulty assigning and testing account ids that I've created in a custom object.
I want to compare accounts
if (thisAc == thatAc){
} //endif
and tried
if ( =={
} //endif
My custom object has an account field: MyCustomObject__c has referenceCompany__c
I can't seem to copy it to another custom object - even a temporary Account
starting from MyCustomObject my1...
MyOtherCustomObject myOco = new(MyOtherCustomObject);
myOco.copiedCompany__c = my1.referenceCompany__c;
I've tried:
Account thisAc = .my1.referenceCompany__c;
Account thatAc= .my1.referenceCompany__r; (which seems close to the answer).
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
I want to compare accounts
if (thisAc == thatAc){
} //endif
and tried
if ( =={
} //endif
My custom object has an account field: MyCustomObject__c has referenceCompany__c
I can't seem to copy it to another custom object - even a temporary Account
starting from MyCustomObject my1...
MyOtherCustomObject myOco = new(MyOtherCustomObject);
myOco.copiedCompany__c = my1.referenceCompany__c;
I've tried:
Account thisAc = .my1.referenceCompany__c;
Account thatAc= .my1.referenceCompany__r; (which seems close to the answer).
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
I had a thought thsat I'd try strings next...
Here's the controller class. I'll post the controller test and object class following.
public class RetailerLicencesController {
// Called by apex page:
private List<RetailersLicences> myRetLicList; // = new List<RetailersLicences>();
private string name;
public string searchText {get;set;}
private String qp;
public RetailerLicencesController() {
this.qp = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('qp');
searchText = '';
public List<Licence__c> gettheirlicences(id co){
system.debug('Get the licences of '+co);
//retailer_of__c retof = new retailer_of__c();
//retof.retailer__c = '0018E000008IK3N'; //BMF //retof.retailer__c
Licence__c[] theirlicenceList = [Select ID,name,active__c,licensed_until__c,maintenance_expires__c from Licence__c where company__c = :co order by name ];
return theirlicenceList;
public List<RetailersLicences> getmyRetLicList() {
//String err = 'Error. Click <a href="' + Page.MyCustomPage.getURL() + '">here</a>.';
String err = 'Hello';
ApexPages.Message msgErr;
//msgErr = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, err);
if (myRetLicList<>NULL){
System.debug('on entry to get, myRetLicList size='+myRetLicList.size());
else{System.debug('ret lic list is empty');}
//System.assertEquals('Ideal',searchText,'string fnd='+searchText);
//temp fix
if(searchText == null || searchText == '') {
searchText = 'Ideal';
string fnd = ''; //Ideal%';
if(searchText != null && searchText != '') {
fnd = searchText+'%';
myRetLicList = null;
//temp fix
if(searchText == null || searchText == '') {
fnd = '%';
myRetLicList = null;
fnd = searchText+'%';
myRetLicList = null;
//System.assertEquals('Ideal%',fnd,'string fnd='+fnd);
//ApexPages.addMessage (new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'fnd = '+fnd));
System.debug('string fnd='+fnd);
if(myRetLicList== null) {
myRetLicList = new List<RetailersLicences>();
retailer_of__c retof1 = new retailer_of__c();
List<licence__c> theirlicences = new List<licence__c>();
integer i;
//Get list of reailersof containing the manufacturer and the retailer
List<retailer_of__c> myRetList = new List<retailer_of__c>();
myRetList = [SELECT Id, Name, Retailer__c,,Manufacturer__c, FROM Retailer_Of__c where manufacturer__r.Name like :fnd order by Retailer__r.Name];
ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, '#retailers='+myRetList.size());
err = '#retailers='+myRetList.size();
msgErr = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, err);
//get all licences then filter on retailer inside loop
theirlicences = [Select ID,name,company__c,,active__c,licensed_until__c,maintenance_expires__c from Licence__c order by name ];
System.debug('#their licences='+theirlicences.size());
Account thisret; // = company__c = :ro.retailer__c
Account thatret; // = company__c = :ro.retailer__c
Id actId = [SELECT AccountId FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:oppId].AccountId;
Contract_Summary__c ContSumm = new Contract_Summary__c();
ContSumm.Related_Opportunity__c = oppId;
ContSumm.Account_Name__c = actId;
Id actId = [SELECT company__c FROM Licence__c limit 1].company__c;
System.debug('quick test actID from select ='+actId);
if (myRetList.size()>0){
//Loop through the list
for (retailer_of__c ro : myRetList) {
//extract the retailer
retof1 = ro;
// = ro.retailer__c;
//String sObjName = ro.retailer__r.Id.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();
actId = ro.retailer__c; = (Id) actId;
//loop through the licences
for (licence__c retlic : theirlicences){
// = retlic.company__c;
actId = retlic.company__c;
thatret.Id = actId;
if (thisret == thatret){
RetailersLicences aretlic = new RetailersLicences();
} //endif same retailer
} //next i
}//endif myRetList>0
theirlicences = [Select ID,name,active__c,licensed_until__c,maintenance_expires__c from Licence__c where company__c = :ro.retailer__c order by name ];
System.debug('#their licences='+theirlicences.size());
err = '#their licences='+theirlicences.size();
msgErr = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, err);
//extract the retailer
retof1 = ro;
//loop through the licences
for (licence__c retlic : theirlicences){
RetailersLicences aretlic = new RetailersLicences();
} //next i
} //next ro
* // Loop through the list and update the Name field
for(Account a : accs){
a.Name = 'Oracle';
// Update the database
update accs;
* */
//for each retailer, find the licences they have
for(j = 0; j < myRetList.size(); j++){
//now look up the licence details
Licence__c[] theirlicence = [Select ID,name,active__c,licensed_until__c,maintenance_expires__c from Licence__c where company__c = :myRetList[j].retailer__c order by name ];
//extract the retailer
retof1 = myRetList[j];
//loop through the licences
for (i=0;i<theirlicence.size();i=i+1){
RetailersLicences aretlic = new RetailersLicences();
} //next i
}//next j
} //endif myRetLicList== null
return myRetLicList;
//next is holder....
public List<RetailersLicences> getmyRetLicList1() {
if (myRetLicList<>NULL){
System.debug('myRetLicList size='+myRetLicList.size());
else{System.debug('ret lic list is empty');}
//System.assertEquals('Ideal',searchText,'string fnd='+searchText);
//temp fix
if(searchText == null || searchText == '') {
searchText = 'Ideal';
string fnd = ''; //Ideal%';
if(searchText != null && searchText != '') {
fnd = searchText+'%';
myRetLicList = null;
//temp fix
if(searchText == null || searchText == '') {
fnd = '%';
myRetLicList = null;
fnd = searchText+'%';
myRetLicList = null;
//System.assertEquals('Ideal%',fnd,'string fnd='+fnd);
//ApexPages.addMessage (new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'fnd = '+fnd));
System.debug('string fnd='+fnd);
if(myRetLicList== null) {
List <Retailer_Of__c> lstRetailerOf = [select id, retailer__c, manufacturer__c from Retailer_of__c where like :fnd];
if (lstRetailerOf.size()>0) {
System.debug('myRetLicList is Null so create it...');
myRetLicList = new List<RetailersLicences>();
Retailer_Of__c tempRetOf = new Retailer_Of__c();
Licence__c tempLicence = new licence__c();
//Account tempmanufacturer = new Account();
//tempmanufacturer.AccountNumer = '0012400000Oc2KO';
List <licence__c> lstLicencesWithRetailers = [select id,name , company__c,, active__c,licensed_until__c,maintenance_expires__c from licence__c where company__c in (select retailer__c from retailer_of__c where like :fnd) order by];
//transfer to myRetLicList
integer i,j;
for(j = 0; j < lstLicencesWithRetailers.size(); j++){
RetailersLicences aretlic = new RetailersLicences();
tempRetOf.retailer__c = lstLicencesWithRetailers[j].company__c;
//gotta get the manufacturer
//search through lstRetailerOf for retailer to give manufacturer
//for test, use first manufacturer...
tempRetOf.manufacturer__c = lstRetailerOf[0].manufacturer__c;
tempLicence = lstLicencesWithRetailers[j];
}//next j
} //endif found retailers of
} //endif myRetLicList== null
return myRetLicList;
} //getmyRetLicList1
//what is this all about.....?
// Inner class to hold details for item
public class DisplayRetailersLicences{
private RetailersLicences myRetLic;
public DisplayRetailersLicences(RetailersLicences item) {
this.myRetLic = item;
// Properties for use in the Visualforce view
//public String retailer {
// get { return myRetLic.getRetailer(); }
//public String licence {
// get { return myRetLic.getLicence().name; }
}//inner Class DisplayRetailersLicences
* Called by apex page:
<apex:page controller="RetailerLicencesController">
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:form >
<apex:actionFunction name="af_reRenderSearchBlock" reRender="searchBlock"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Retailers and their licences:" id="searchBlock" >
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
<h1>Retailer Of:</h1>
<input type="button" class="btn" value="Search" onclick="af_reRenderSearchBlock()"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection collapsible="false" columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem helpText="Retailers of manufacturer...use % as wildcard">
<apex:outputLabel for="searchParam">Search String</apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputText id="searchParam" value="{!searchText}"/>
<!-- <apex:pageBlock title="Retailers and their licences:"> -->
<!-- use the retailerof query result object from the controller class -->
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" title="Results" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!myRetLicList}" var="ritem">
<!-- -->
<apex:column headerValue="Retailer">
<apex:outputText value="{!}"/>
<!-- -->
<apex:column headerValue="Licence">
<apex:outputText value="{!}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Active">
<apex:outputText value="{!ritem.licence.Active__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Expires">
<apex:outputText value="{!ritem.licence.Licensed_Until__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Maintained">
<apex:outputText value="{!ritem.licence.Maintenance_Expires__c}"/>
public class RetailerLicencesControllerTest {
@istest static void test(){
//PageReference pageRef = Page.retailerslicences;
//String searchText = 'Ideal';
RetailerLicencesController myRetLicListController = new RetailerLicencesController();
//next call is to dummy function. unused
//PageReference refPage =;
//String nextPage =;
// Verify that page fails without parameters
//System.assertEquals('/apex/failure?error=noParam', nextPage);
Account theRetailer = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name like '%' limit 1];
System.debug('set search to ideal');
myRetLicListController.searchText = 'Ideal'; //'Ideal';
string testReturn = myRetLicListController.searchText;
//myRetLicList = new List<RetailersLicences>();
List<RetailersLicences> rll = new List<RetailersLicences>();
System.debug('set search to blank');
myRetLicListController.searchText = '';
rll = myRetLicListController.getmyRetLicList();
//temp remove
//myRetLicListController.searchText = 'Ideal%';
//rll = myRetLicListController.getmyRetLicList();
//System.assertNotEquals(null,rll,'Expected a list.');
string item = 'dummy content';
RetailersLicences myRetLic = new RetailersLicences();
//is this function really required?
//duplicate test
theRetailer = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name like '%' limit 1];
private Retailer_Of__c retof;
private Licence__c lic;
public RetailersLicences(){
retof = new Retailer_Of__c();
lic = new Licence__c();
public RetailersLicences(Retailer_Of__c aretof,Licence__c alic) {
retof = aretof;
lic = alic;
//end constructors
public Licence__c getLicence(){
return lic;
public Id getLicenceID(){
//system.debug('in getLicenceID='+lic.ID);
return lic.Id;
public String getLicenceNumber(){
//system.debug('in getLicenceNumber='+lic.Name);
return lic.Name;
public string getRetailerID(){
return retof.Id;
public Retailer_Of__c getRetailer(){
return retof;
public string getRetailerString(){
return retof.Retailer__c;
public string getRetailerName(){
system.debug('in getRetailerName the retof ='+retof);
system.debug('in getRetailerName the retailer__c ='+retof.Retailer__c);
system.debug('in getRetailerName the ='+retof.Retailer__r.Name);
//system.debug('in getRetailerName the retailer__r.get ='+retof.Retailer__r.get('Name'));
//String sObjName = retof.Retailer__c.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName(); //returns 'Account'
//can't find how to get name from retof directly so run a query...
//e.g. SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE id = '0018E000008IK3NQAW'
List<Account> lstAccount = new List<Account>();
String AccntName;
Id retID = retof.Retailer__c;
System.debug('retID = '+retID) ;
lstAccount = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE id = :retID];
//lstAccount = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE id = '0018E000008IK3NQAW'];
System.debug('size = '+lstAccount.Size()) ;
if (lstAccount.Size()>0) {
AccntName = lstAccount[0].Name;
system.debug('Retailer Name from query = '+AccntName);
return AccntName;
public void setLicence(Licence__c alic) {
lic = alic;
public void setRetailer(Retailer_Of__c aretof) {
retof = aretof;
<apex:page controller="RetailerLicencesController">
<strong> <apex:outputPanel id="messageBlock" >
<apex:pageMessage title="Message Panel" summary="This pageMessage will always display. Any validation error messages will appear in the pageMessages component." severity="warning" strength="3" />
<apex:pageMessages />
</apex:outputPanel> </strong>
<apex:form >
<apex:actionFunction name="af_reRenderSearchBlock" reRender="searchBlock"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Retailers and their licences:" id="searchBlock" >
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
<h1>Retailer Of:</h1>
<input type="button" class="btn" value="Search" onclick="af_reRenderSearchBlock()"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection collapsible="false" columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem helpText="Retailers of manufacturer...use % as wildcard">
<apex:outputLabel for="searchParam">Search String</apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputText id="searchParam" value="{!searchText}"/>
<!-- <apex:pageBlock title="Retailers and their licences:"> -->
<!-- use the retailerof query result object from the controller class -->
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" title="Results" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!myRetLicList}" var="ritem">
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="messageBlock"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Manufacturer">
<apex:outputText value="{!}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Retailer">
<apex:outputText value="{!}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Licence">
<apex:outputText value="{!}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Active">
<apex:outputText value="{!ritem.licence.Active__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Expires">
<apex:outputText value="{!ritem.licence.Licensed_Until__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Maintained">
<apex:outputText value="{!ritem.licence.Maintenance_Expires__c}"/>
holdAct1 = ro.retailer__c;
String holdAct2;
//loop through the licences
for (licence__c retlic : theirlicences){
// = retlic.company__c;
//actId = retlic.company__c;
//thatret.Id = actId;
holdAct2 = retlic.company__c;
if (holdAct1 == holdAct2){
System.debug('holdAct1='+holdAct1+' holdAct2='+holdAct2);
RetailersLicences aretlic = new RetailersLicences();
} //endif same retailer
says at line
for (licence__c retlic : theirlicences){
My work around SOQL limits was to query first and then loop compare. Seems I've hit another limit.
Slightly worrying other diagnostic:
Number of SOQL queries: 5 out of 100
Number of query rows: 40567 out of 50000 ******* CLOSE TO LIMIT
and I'm not sure why that is so high.
I have 738 retailers of and 4482 licences to inspect.