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Vadivel MuruganVadivel Murugan 

Round Robin Job Assignment

Hi All,

I want to implement the Round Robin Job assignment for marketing user. If any one know how to implement this kindly reply...

I have created the Marketing User profile as a priority(Picklist) basics.
1.User1 - 1st priortiy
2.User2- 2nd priority
3. User3- No priority
Suppose i have create the record that time the user1 assign automatically to this job.
I have create another record user2 assign this job like repeatelly for user3 and again user1,user2,user3 and so....
I have create the one check box. if the check box is true the rule has been applied other wise it assign queue user. When tick that box automatically assign the who is the next user for Round Robin and assign it.

The above is my configuration. I will need to implement the using apex class.