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Patrick Mulligan 3Patrick Mulligan 3 

Salesforce Adoption Dashboards not available in AppX

Go through the normal AppX installation from the challenge and it all looks good until the end where you get.....

Package Not Found
The requested package does not exist or has been deleted. Please contact the package publisher for assistance. If this is a recently uploaded package, please try again soon. 
Winnie SiuWinnie Siu
Getting the same message!
Nick LoghmaniNick Loghmani
me too!
me too
Aldo HernandezAldo Hernandez
same :(
Joe Gomez 6Joe Gomez 6
I've joined the club....
Jim BahanJim Bahan
Anyone get resolution on this?  I'm getting same message.
Mary Oberlin 3Mary Oberlin 3
Very much a problem! Last module of the last trail and I get this!? very frustrating when you are trying to finish something
Fei XieFei Xie
Why i still can't install it?
Amber RavenscroftAmber Ravenscroft
still can't install.
Justin TortorichJustin Tortorich
Stanley Vi 4Stanley Vi 4

Setup --> Build --> AppExchange Marketplace --> You should see the popular app on page or search for it