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Lookup usage

Hello All
 I need a small information. We have standard salesforce objects cases and contacts. In contacts we have 3 record types, in contacts we have self lookup, so one record type can have the lookup to contact again. All the contact record types have cases as a related list. In cases we have two lookup fields to contact object. If i select two different contacts in two contact fields in case object. Do the two contacts have the same case in their related list ???

Shalom RubdiShalom Rubdi
Yes, they should.  Are you applying lookup filters on your Contact lookup fields from the case?
Hello Shalom
  Thanks for your response. As we know case has a standard lookup field to contact object, and i created other two lookup fields to case object. Now i can see the case (in related list)only in the contact reocrd whcih was selected in standard lookup field of cases. But i am not able to see the case in the contacts which i selected in the custom lookup fields which i created in the case object. And i dont have any filters
Shalom RubdiShalom Rubdi
Understood.  So when you configure the lookup fields on Case, it will result in additional related list on the Contact page layout for each relationship.  In other words, on the Contact page layout, there will be the standard Cases related list, plus another for the first lookup, and another for the second lookup.

So it's possible to have three different related lists populated with cases which are related to a particular contact.
Hello Shalom Thank you for your response again. I miss that part added the related list to the contact layout :) Regards Rajesh
Shalom RubdiShalom Rubdi
Great Rajesh!  Please mark as 'Best Answer' so your question can be flagged as Solved; cheers.