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HaJo Kolter 4HaJo Kolter 4 

Activate is inactive within Process Builder

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The "Activate" Buttom is not feasible.
I spent so much time on this issue.
Any idea?
Best Answer chosen by HaJo Kolter 4
Gabriel ArribasGabriel Arribas
Hello Hajo,

Are you sure you have an object that specify when start the process, a criteria defined and an action and clicked 'Save' button after that, before to click  activate?

I hope this help you.

All Answers

Gabriel ArribasGabriel Arribas
Hello Hajo,

Are you sure you have an object that specify when start the process, a criteria defined and an action and clicked 'Save' button after that, before to click  activate?

I hope this help you.
This was selected as the best answer
HaJo Kolter 4HaJo Kolter 4
Many thanks for the quick answer.
I was not aware, that a nonse criteria disabled the "Activate" Buttom. I delete this cirteria and
it is working fine now.