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Ashwini Kalburgi 3Ashwini Kalburgi 3 

I am stuck @ Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'Sales Rep' Team Role for '500 units' could not be found or it is not set to the current user.

Please help to unlock the challenge.. crm module Creating a Sales Process and Using Opportunities
Hi Ashwini,

Did you enable the "Opportunity Team" setting .Please follow the below step to enable the setting below to add 'Sales Rep' Team in your cretaed opprtunity.

1.Enable Team Selling From Setup, enter Opportunity Team Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Opportunity Team Settings.
2.Select Enable Team Selling and click Save.
3.Select for which page layouts to include opportunity teams.
4.Optionally, to add the opportunity team related list to all opportunities for all users, select Add to users’ customized related lists.
5.Click Save.
6.Now create a opportunity with name '500 units' and stage 'Prospecting'.
7.After this opportunity record is creted, scroll down to move to Opportunity Team.There follow like the step like below,
User-added image
 enter yourself as the user and save it.

Please comment if you need anymore help and do not forget to mark it as solved if you find it helpfull.Thanks!!!
Rakesh kumar 198Rakesh kumar 198
Hi I am facing similar error and not able to find New button on Opportunity tab.
Any one has any idea how to create new opportunityy?
Hi Rakesh,

Kindly paste the screen shot of what you are getting under your object tab.The screen should look like below.
User-added image
If you are getting the screen like this .Click on the new button and fill up all necessary fields to cretae the a record for opportunity.
If you are facing problem in completing this challenge you can try the steps I gave in my previous post.Thanks!!!
Payel Bera 3Payel Bera 3
I have followed all the steps indicated in the above answers but no luck yet. Pls help

User-added image
Anthony BrockAnthony Brock
I am also having the same issue. Was this ever answered?
raj sfdc 8raj sfdc 8
go to Opportunity Team Member Compact Layouts New Compact Layout and add team role and save it . after that go the page layout and in related list add team role to the layout and then add sales rep to the 500 units .then check your challenge
raj sfdc 8raj sfdc 8
from the above image, you can add team role to the selected list and then go the 500 units record and select page layout then go the related list and then select team role and drag and drop it to the 500 unit record and add sales rep to the team role and check the challenge.
Jo-Ann West 4Jo-Ann West 4
I am having this same probelm. I have followed all the outlined steps in this post one by one and I am still getting the same error message. It was mentioned that it could be due to having Professional Edition of SF, but I am confused, as this is a traihead modules and I should be able to complete this module in trailhead. If I can't I will never get the module completed and the badge that comes with it. Can someone please advise what can be the issue. As I see from the answer trail above, there has been no responses since the last question on 4/10/2018. Please advise.  Thanks !
Gad Lederer 9Gad Lederer 9
Hi Jo-Ann you have to go to Opportunities > Sales processes and select all the Values to the picklist.
Jo-Ann West 4Jo-Ann West 4
Thank You Gad !!  I already had everything over into the picklist. I needed to change over to the developers org on trailhead instead of using My Playground in order to complete the challenge. 
Mark Harvey 13Mark Harvey 13
I tried resolving this many ways within the Playground, I also tried relaunching my playground.  Eventually I logged out, reopened my browser, logged in, launched the playground and then Checked Challenge.  Sucessfully Passed!!!   Hope this helps someone, it could have saved me some time!
Power Ranger123Power Ranger123
Is this the challenge you are struggling? I found this video that help with Trailhead challenge thought it might help
theja bheemireddytheja bheemireddy

Thanks for your help..This video is very helpful to complete the task.I completed my challenge .