The certification page at Salesforce has study guides which detail the source materials that are needed.
You will need access to the partner training materials which are available in the Help center. Note that some of the training material are available only for Premier customers, so you may not be able to access them from your developer account.
At an overview, ADM201 is focussed on the configuration side of salesforce along with in-depth knowledge of the security features that Salesforce provides.
I should also note that ADM 201 will be phased out soon and is to be replaced by the Salesforce App Builder certification.
The certification page at Salesforce has study guides which detail the source materials that are needed.
You will need access to the partner training materials which are available in the Help center. Note that some of the training material are available only for Premier customers, so you may not be able to access them from your developer account.
At an overview, ADM201 is focussed on the configuration side of salesforce along with in-depth knowledge of the security features that Salesforce provides.
I should also note that ADM 201 will be phased out soon and is to be replaced by the Salesforce App Builder certification.