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Siana DcruzSiana Dcruz 

How to auto populate address fields upon entering Zip Code!!

Hi All,
I tried using capture+ for this purpose, but still i was not able to achieve the same. Can any one please help me with this or provide me the code through which the address fields can be auto populated upon entering the Zip code.
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Siana,

Your example could bee sorted out, using the autocomplete address, you just type the zip code in the delivery address field, and it should auto populate the city and state.

Maybe, using that widget in conjunction with the autocomplete widget, could sort things out

Autocomplete fields can save names and you can add the zip code next to names. However, the automated auto population might involve using the source code of the form and connecting it to a database, then creating a query to call the address based on the customer. All this will require hiring a programmer to have a fully functional solution for you.

Kindly mark this post as solved if the information help's so that it gets removed from the unanswered queue and becomes a proper solution which results in helping others who are really in need of it.

Best Regards,