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Sushma  RamakrishnanSushma Ramakrishnan 

Can Custom Components created in Salesforce Classic be used in Lightning Experience?

Hi All,

I have created some "Custom Components" for my Home Page in Salesforce Classic.
But when i switch to Lightning Experience it doesnt appear in the Home page there.
So Is there a way to darg them on Lightning Home Page or will I have to recreate Custom Lightning Components?

Thanks for any Help in advance...!
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sushma,

First and foremost sincerely regret delayed reply.

The custom components which you have created in salesforce classic cannot be used in a similar way when you switch to lightning experience.
As of now this is not possible on Force.Com platform.

If required you can add lightning components,Please check with below link which confirms the same. Kindly mark this post as solved if the information help's so that it gets removed from the unanswered queue and becomes a proper solution which results in helping others who are really in need of it.

Best Regards,