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Tyler ZikaTyler Zika 

Issue deleting detail record

I have a delete button. On the master object is works perfectly. Implmenting a slightly differnt code for the detail records, it acts differently.

Clicking delete on one item deletes it, but then the rest of detail items go blank. When I refresh the page, they blank items are populated, and the first item I deleted are no longer there.

Before clicking delete on sub item 1 - 0

User-added image
After clicking delete on sub item 1-0
User-added image
Refreshing the page.
User-added image
Tyler ZikaTyler Zika
Any suggestion on how to debug this would be much appreciated.
Hi Tyler,

As far I know, this is rendering issue, you need to re-render you page on click of "delete" button. 

Hope this will help you.
