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Tejas Wadke 5Tejas Wadke 5 

Need test class for following code



trigger UpdateReportName on ActivityPlanningAndReport__c (before insert) {
     Map<Id,User> ownerMap;
     Set<Id> oppOwnerIds = new Set<Id>();
     String nameOfOwner;
     for(ActivityPlanningAndReport__c p :
     ownerMap = new Map<Id,User>([SELECT Id, Name FROM User WHERE Id IN :oppOwnerIds]);
     for(ActivityPlanningAndReport__c p :
          nameOfOwner = ownerMap.get(p.OwnerId).Name;
            p.Name = p.Country_txt__c+'_'+ p.Display_Engagement_Date__c+'_'+nameOfOwner;
Nagendra ChinchinadaNagendra Chinchinada
Hi Tejas,
Here is the test class. I coded it in note pad, so there might be small typos in code, plese correct it
public class ApexTestClass {
static testmethod void testUpdateReportName(){
ActivityPlanningAndReport__c apr = new ActivityPlanningAndReport__c(Name='Test',Country_txt__c='Test txt',OwnerId=Userinfo.getUserId());
insert apr;
System.assertEquals(apr.Name, 'Test txt__'+Userinfo.getName());

sandeep reddy 37sandeep reddy 37
public class ApexTestClass {
static testmethod void testUpdateReportName(){
ActivityPlanningAndReport__c apr = new ActivityPlanningAndReport__c(Name='' Country_txt__c+'_'+ Display_Engagement_Date__c+'_''+userinfo.getname(),Country_txt__c='Test txt',OwnerId=Userinfo.getUserId()); insert apr; System.assertEquals(apr.Name, 'Country_txt__c+'_'+ Display_Engagement_Date__c+Userinfo.getName());
buggs sfdcbuggs sfdc

Try this you will get your 100% coverege

mark it as correct answer,if it helps you out.
public class ApexTestClass {
static testmethod void testUpdateReportName(){
ActivityPlanningAndReport__c apr = new ActivityPlanningAndReport__c(Name='TestName',Country_txt__c='Test country',OwnerId=Userinfo.getUserId());
insert apr;

Tanuja JTanuja J
Shouldnt we create Account,Opportunity instances and then create the custom object instance ?
Also "OwnerId=Userinfo.getUserId());" how does this work?