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Copy ContentNote content field to Case Description field

Hi All,

I want copy ContentNote Content to Case Description field. Here, Description is Text Area data type and Content filed data type is base64.

Problem: How can I copy Content field to Description field with images and text as it is?

When I am using trigger on ContentDocumentLink able to get the fields, but not able to copy as expected format. Some different value is coming when I did copy in trigger.

Thanks in Advance! :)

You can't add images or similar content to Case Description field, you need to create a custom Description field of type rich text.
Hi Shalab,

Thank You! for your response. Yes, we cant copy images or similar content to case description field. But I want copy the text only without any images. Is it possible to do that. For example if I had "Some Sample Text <<Imag>>" then needs to copy only "Some Sample Text" to Case description field.

Then you need to remove all html from the content before copying it to the Description field.
Just use a regex like ('<[^>]+>') and do string.replaceAll
Austin Lewis 12Austin Lewis 12
Hello , I am working on using a trigger on the ContentDocument and a flow to be able to get to the relevent Content Note but am having trouble getting the ContentNote Content over to a variable in my flow. Can you help me?