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custom java button, 'is field null' syntax
I am struggling to combine two validation rules on a custom java button in salesforce. I want the validation to check if a picklist value equals "procurement"and also that a number field is blank/null, if so display a message. Below is what I have which doesn't do aything because I do not know how to check for a null/blank value (it works if I stated the number field equals a specific number, just doesn't work if equals null).
if({!ISPICKVAL(Opportunity.Contract_Type__c, "Procurement") && Opportunity.Final_Price_Number__c == null}) {
alert('You need to enter the Final Price.............
Anyone can help, thanks..
I am struggling to combine two validation rules on a custom java button in salesforce. I want the validation to check if a picklist value equals "procurement"and also that a number field is blank/null, if so display a message. Below is what I have which doesn't do aything because I do not know how to check for a null/blank value (it works if I stated the number field equals a specific number, just doesn't work if equals null).
if({!ISPICKVAL(Opportunity.Contract_Type__c, "Procurement") && Opportunity.Final_Price_Number__c == null}) {
alert('You need to enter the Final Price.............
Anyone can help, thanks..
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It literally was as simple as that.....
reminder not to over think too much...