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Workflow help

Hi Team,
We have one piclist field called as  "Approved" along with the values are Yes,No.
1.If we select "NO", need to restrict the Order submissoins-opportunity is essential blocked.
2.If "Yes" is selected, Request# field becomes mandatory.
3.If Yes is selected and Request # is populated, Status = Approved.
4.If No is selected, Status = Rejected.
Can any one please help us how to create a workflow.

Thanks in Advance
Best Answer chosen by Srini
Ishwar ShindeIshwar Shinde

1.If we select "NO", need to restrict the Order submissoins-opportunity is essential blocked. -> Create Validation rule for this.
2.If "Yes" is selected, Request# field becomes mandatory.              -> Create Validation rule for this.
3.If Yes is selected and Request # is populated, Status = Approved.  -> Create WF on update, Criteria - isChanged(Approved) && ISPICKKVAL(Approved,"Yes"), Action -> Field upodate Status = Approved
4.If No is selected, Status = Rejected. > Create WF on update, Criteria - isChanged(Approved) && ISPICKKVAL(Approved,"No"), Action -> Field upodate Status = Rejected.

Please mark this as best ans if this helps!!

All Answers

Ishwar ShindeIshwar Shinde

1.If we select "NO", need to restrict the Order submissoins-opportunity is essential blocked. -> Create Validation rule for this.
2.If "Yes" is selected, Request# field becomes mandatory.              -> Create Validation rule for this.
3.If Yes is selected and Request # is populated, Status = Approved.  -> Create WF on update, Criteria - isChanged(Approved) && ISPICKKVAL(Approved,"Yes"), Action -> Field upodate Status = Approved
4.If No is selected, Status = Rejected. > Create WF on update, Criteria - isChanged(Approved) && ISPICKKVAL(Approved,"No"), Action -> Field upodate Status = Rejected.

Please mark this as best ans if this helps!!
This was selected as the best answer
Hi Ishwar,

Thank you for your suggestions.May be it will help us.

Please can you tell me how to create validation rule for this
  1.If we select "NO", need to restrict the Order submissoins-opportunity is essential blocked.

Ishwar ShindeIshwar Shinde
Hi Sirini,

My assumption about "restrict the Order submissoins" flow is that we are not allowing user to perform order submission.

If you are providing any button for this activity then please add neccesary checks in button code, and accordingly display error msg. 
If you are updating any field, like setting any picklist value to identify the order submission, then use validation rule to check if criteria is saticefied, else throw error.

Hope it will help.
Thanks Ishwar.
Ishwar ShindeIshwar Shinde
Welcome Srini. :)

Please mark above solution as best ans if it helps !!