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Brooke JohnsonBrooke Johnson 

hunt your prospects Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: the record was not created correctly

Trying to complete the "HUNT YOUR PROSPECT" unit, getting the following error message when i try to complete the creation of the Opportunity:

"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The record was not created correctly"
Unless there are invisible steps in this Trailhead, I have completed them all.
Is it possible this trailhead has an error?

Venkataramanan SubramanianVenkataramanan Subramanian
Did you try changing the Opportunity name to 10,000 units. I also got the same error but adding a coma solved it.
Jakub PaśJakub Paś
Same problem here. Is it broken?
Ilya YefremovIlya Yefremov
Same problem. I even deactivated all triggers on Accaount, Opport and Contact but it didnt help. I deleted and redid all the steps about 3-4 times - still nothing. Yes, as I can see it broken. Because of that I cant complete next part of the project too.
Ilya YefremovIlya Yefremov
Same problem. I even deactivated all triggers on Accaount, Opport and Contact but it didnt help. I deleted and redid all the steps about 3-4 times - still nothing. Yes, as I can see it broken. Because of that I cant complete next part of the project too.

I've just found the answer. You should deactivate workflow on opportunity (I created it before in other trailheadmodule) that updates Name field on opportunity. So when you set '10,000 unit' name to opp, that workflow changes it's name to'10,000'. Even if you go edit name to appropriate - workflow will immediatly change it back. So deactivate it and rename opp back to '10,000 unit'.
Same issue.. I have no trigger or workflow implemented in my trailhead playground
Got it !! in my case . That was a language issue;
Set in english and put the exact name displayed in the trailhead exercice and not the translated names;
Salesforce AnswersSalesforce Answers
This video shows the solution.
Jérôme PijpersJérôme Pijpers
Save the opportunity name from 10,000 Units. to 10,000 Units     (no point at the end) 
Matthias PaetzMatthias Paetz
This is frustrating. I get the same error message, tried the steps mentioned in Trailhead several times making sure that the 10,000 Units are spelled correctly and without a "." I watched the video as well
But I still get the error message. No idea what to do
Jennifer DonnellJennifer Donnell
Jelly Intel,

Thank You! Mine was a similar issue.
Brandie Lippert 6Brandie Lippert 6
I have tried "10,000 Units", I've confirmed there is no workflow, I've made sure the goal is set correctly, and watched the video. I am still getting this error.  :(    please help.
Jennifer DonnellJennifer Donnell
Brandie Lippert 6, some of us discovered that the issue was the "." at the end of 10,000 Units. 

So 10,000 Units.   (<<<look at the period there at the end)

10,000 Units (<<< no period at the end) 

This is what my issue was, hope it works for you.
Jennifer DonnellJennifer Donnell
If it doesn't then try errasing, your trail and do the steps all over again. 
Brandie Lippert 6Brandie Lippert 6
:( I've done "10,000 Units.", "10,000 Units", "10000 Units", "10000 Units.", i've checked there are no trailling spaces on any fields. I've deleted the old ones and emptied the recycle pin, inactivted all validations on leads and opportunities, deactivated all workflow rules. and inactivated all process builders on leads and opportuties.  ...still getting the same message. 
Jennifer DonnellJennifer Donnell
:( I'm sorry. Next to the challenge is Trail Head help/contact guess you'll have to contact them and let them know the issue. 
Ranjana N NadigerRanjana N Nadiger
I had got the same error message again and again. Things i followed:
Deleted opportunities with '10,000 Units' name permanently
Deleted Contacts with 'Big Spender' name permanently
Deleted Account 'Company ABC' and also Cases where getting created with these account as part of Dedup trigger, when i removed all these things and freshly created the lead and converted, it got created successfully.
Kavitha Anil Kumar RaichotyKavitha Anil Kumar Raichoty
Hi All,

Even i had the similar problem . AS said by Ranjana, deleted all the contacts, opportunities and Account which was created earlier and then created a fresh one . It got created. 
Brian KarcinskiBrian Karcinski
I had a trigger on opportunity from a previous trailhead that was updating the name to Hello World.  I had to go back and fix the contact name and it saved.
偉健 朱 2偉健 朱 2
I deleted oppo record type,  done it!
Eric Little 10Eric Little 10
I'm currently experiecning this same issue. How do you "deactivate workflow opportunity" ? That is the only thing I haven't tried yet to pass this module. 
Hedy DjojoatmodjoHedy Djojoatmodjo
Delete contacts, opportunities and account that relate to. And redo it again.
vincent mutavivincent mutavi

Apart from the above a few more options
a) Make sure your company currency settings are set to USD
b)Once this section is complete ..but still unable to verify the challenge.
1. .move to the next section of "Close your deal" and complete it....It will accept..
2. Move back to your and proceed to delete any 10,000 unit details, in both leads and accounts you may seem to have multiple records ( check ,your listed views,pinned views and recent views)
3.Once you  get to an error that the Account cannot be deleted because it is completed proceed to check your hunt challenge..

This is what worked for me

Pradeep GayakiPradeep Gayaki
I faced similar issue. I just changed the plaground and re-created opportunity which worked out for me.