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Adding or modifying indexes on existing Big Objects is not supported


I just recently started working with Big Objects. I sucessfully added my first BigObject to the sandbox, but as is most oftent the case in development, I need to modify one of the index fields.

the first error meesage I am getting is we change length of a text field in an index.
So I decided to leave the original text field as is and I add a new one with the required length. Now I am getting an error message saying that we can't modify an index. 

We are in development.... change is constant. If we cant modify an object regardless of type, then what is the object is the first place
Best Answer chosen by Kevlangdo
prateek jainprateek jain
You cant change the definition of big object  once you deploy them, to change the definition the option is to redeploy the object and delete the previous object definition

All Answers

prateek jainprateek jain
You cant change the definition of big object  once you deploy them, to change the definition the option is to redeploy the object and delete the previous object definition
This was selected as the best answer
I am trying to use Remote Objects on Big Object but I am getting a malformed error on retrieve operation field id cannot be sorted in query call. First I am not using the Id field in query. Second, is Remoting Objects supported with Big Object