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Jonathan Meltzer 8Jonathan Meltzer 8 

Migrating all settings for a profile from one org to another

I spent hours creating a new profile in one of our Sandboxes, customizing access to apps, tabs, objects, and fields.  I want to bring over the profile to a different (but related) org, keeping all of the permissions intact.  I used Eclipse to copy the profile over, but only the basic profile settings seem to be set.  All of the app, tab, object, and field access did not come across to the destination org.

There has to be a way, other than painfully recreating the permissions in the new org (and then having to do it again in Production), to recreate the profile correctly.  Please help.  What am I missing?
Rahul KumarRahul Kumar (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Jonathan,

Every single setting for a profile can be deployed using ANT.please refer the below link for reference. hope it helps.

Please mark it as best answer if the information is informative.

Rahul Kumar
Jonathan Meltzer 8Jonathan Meltzer 8
I appreciate the reply, but I am not familiar with how to use ANT, so the answer is not very useful for me.  Is there anything that shows a step-by-step method for using ANT to do deployments?  I thought setting up the Eclipse IDE would do what I needed.