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Though i have entered limitation - Too Many Query rows 50001
I have used limitation in query still i am facing the same problem, can anyone help me here please.
global class POCreationBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext DBC)
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id,Name,Purchase_Order_Type__c,ActiveContractAsset_Count__c from Account where Purchase_Order_Type__c='Required for Invoice' limit 5000]);
global void execute(Database.batchableContext bc,List<sObject> scope)
List<Account> accountList = (List<Account>)scope;
Set<Id> accountIdSet = new Set<Id>();
for(Account accountRecord : accountList)
ProductOrderUtils POU = new ProductOrderUtils();
global void finish(Database.batchableContext BC){}
I have used limitation in query still i am facing the same problem, can anyone help me here please.
global class POCreationBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext DBC)
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id,Name,Purchase_Order_Type__c,ActiveContractAsset_Count__c from Account where Purchase_Order_Type__c='Required for Invoice' limit 5000]);
global void execute(Database.batchableContext bc,List<sObject> scope)
List<Account> accountList = (List<Account>)scope;
Set<Id> accountIdSet = new Set<Id>();
for(Account accountRecord : accountList)
ProductOrderUtils POU = new ProductOrderUtils();
global void finish(Database.batchableContext BC){}
As I mentioned before, the SELECT statements result per transaction are cummulative (result count of each select statement is summed). Now lets say, each batch has 200 records to process and for each record in that batch you are calling 'createPurchaseOrders'. In this 'createPurchaseOrders' function you have three select statements, each with LIMIT of 15000. Your code perhaps is hitting the query limit processing the second record of the batch. Please put proper debug or try catch statements to get the right error spot.
Also please use 'Add a code sample' tool to add code for proper visualization and understanding of the code,
If this helps your question, please mark the solution as green.
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could it be, that the other functions 'createPurchaseOrders' that you have used have also SELECT statements and cummulatively they are exceeding the limit?
Please check once if below method also having soql or not.
Please use LIMIT in there also otherwise use below limits class.
Check debug logs also which query retrieving more rows.
Use the following condition where ever you have soql Limits.getQueries() == Limits.getLimitQueries()
I hope it helps you.
Please let me know in case of any other assistance.
public void createPurchaseOrders(Set<Id> accountIdSet)
for(Opportunity oppRecord : [Select Id,Name,AccountId from Opportunity where Name like:'%' +oppName+ '%' and AccountId IN :accountIdSet limit 15000])
List<Acct_By_Sub__c> accountBySUBRecordList = new List<Acct_By_Sub__c>([Select Id,(Select Id,NS_Currency__c,BG_Client_Contracting_Name__c,
BG_Misys_Billing_Entity__c,Account_by_Sub__c,Account_by_Sub__r.Account__c,BG_Billing_Group_Active__c from Billing_Groups__r where BG_Billing_Group_Active__c = true)
from Acct_By_Sub__c where Account__c IN:accountIdSet limit 15000]);
if(accountBySUBRecordList!=null && accountBySUBRecordList.size()>0)
purchaseOrdersToUpdate = getPurchaseOrders(accountBySUBRecordList);
for(Billing_Group__c BillingGroupRecd : [Select Id,Account_by_Sub__c,Account_by_Sub__r.Account__c,(Select Id,Name,System__c,Annual_Maintenance__c,Contract_Annual_Maintenance__c,
Purchase_Order_Request__c from Contract_Assets__r where CA_Billing_Status__c='Active billing') from Billing_Group__c where Id IN :BillingGroupSetId limit 15000])
for(Acct_By_Sub__c acctbySubRecd : accountBySUBRecords)
for(Billing_Group__c billingGroup : acctbySubRecd.Billing_Groups__r)
String strKey_AcctbySub = billingGroup.Account_by_Sub__r.Account__c+''+ billingGroup.BG_Misys_Billing_Entity__c +''+ billingGroup.NS_Currency__c;
List<Billing_Group__c> billingGroupListacctbySub = mp_DuplicateBG_AccountbySub.get(strKey_AcctbySub);
else {
mp_DuplicateBG_AccountbySub.put(strKey_AcctbySub, new List<Billing_Group__c>{billingGroup});
if(mp_DuplicateBG_AccountbySub!=null && mp_DuplicateBG_AccountbySub.values()!=null)
for(String billingGroupKey : mp_DuplicateBG_AccountbySub.keyset())
List<Billing_Group__c> billingGroupsForAccount = mp_DuplicateBG_AccountbySub.get(billingGroupKey);
Purchase_Order__c PO_Order= createPurchaseOrder(billingGroupsForAccount);
if(purchaseOrders!=null && purchaseOrders.size()>0)
return purchaseOrders;
return null;
As I mentioned before, the SELECT statements result per transaction are cummulative (result count of each select statement is summed). Now lets say, each batch has 200 records to process and for each record in that batch you are calling 'createPurchaseOrders'. In this 'createPurchaseOrders' function you have three select statements, each with LIMIT of 15000. Your code perhaps is hitting the query limit processing the second record of the batch. Please put proper debug or try catch statements to get the right error spot.
Also please use 'Add a code sample' tool to add code for proper visualization and understanding of the code,
If this helps your question, please mark the solution as green.