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Multiple File Upload Through REST API in Visualforce?
Looking for some help/direction on the best way to handle file uploads in a Visualforce page.
I have a page that works fine using <apex:inputFile> but as we know this only supports 1 file at a time.
This creates a poor user experience for my use case since the users will have to click "browse" for each <apex:inputFile> on the page.
Has anyone been able to solve for multiple files being uploaded by use the REST API and jQuery/XHR in a visualforce page?
I have only seen a few raw examples but nothing complete to be able to research.
Thanks in advance.
Looking for some help/direction on the best way to handle file uploads in a Visualforce page.
I have a page that works fine using <apex:inputFile> but as we know this only supports 1 file at a time.
This creates a poor user experience for my use case since the users will have to click "browse" for each <apex:inputFile> on the page.
Has anyone been able to solve for multiple files being uploaded by use the REST API and jQuery/XHR in a visualforce page?
I have only seen a few raw examples but nothing complete to be able to research.
Thanks in advance.
Here is the code so far, nothing seems to be happening, and the request is not going through.
Visualforce Page
And the simple class to handle the incoming request: