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Sachin K 13
Recursive Trigger on Task and Oppty
Dear Friends,
Need your help, My Question is...
There is a Trigger Code on Task object, Which is going to update a custom field on Opporunity (There is DML Update operation on Task Object for Opportunity). And there is also a trigger code on Opportunity (after Update). So Whenever i create a task, and i am comparing (Task.WhatId==Opp.WhatID), In the Console it is saying that ' Attempt to Derefernce a null Object ',. How to over come on this. How to use Recursive trigger here. Please help me on this. Thank you.
Need your help, My Question is...
There is a Trigger Code on Task object, Which is going to update a custom field on Opporunity (There is DML Update operation on Task Object for Opportunity). And there is also a trigger code on Opportunity (after Update). So Whenever i create a task, and i am comparing (Task.WhatId==Opp.WhatID), In the Console it is saying that ' Attempt to Derefernce a null Object ',. How to over come on this. How to use Recursive trigger here. Please help me on this. Thank you.
i know sol but it is right or wrong i dont know but the problem is solved i think. Create a check box in opportunity and and write condition if checkbox is true then only fire the opportunity trigger otherwise don't. white updating field in opportunity checkbox also and make this check box as false . so update trigger is don't fire.