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Hemendra Singh Rajawat
pageSize attribute in <apex:relatedList /> not working
I am facing the issue in pageSize attribute in <apex:relatedList />. Please help me out.
My code -
As you can see in the image in the related list it is showing all the 10 records irrespective of value in pageSize attribute.
According to the documentation, pageSize is used to define "The number of records to display by default in the related list. If not specified, this value defaults to 5."
I am facing the issue in pageSize attribute in <apex:relatedList />. Please help me out.
My code -
<apex:page standardController="Account"> <apex:detail relatedList="false" /> <apex:relatedList list="Contacts" pageSize="3"/> </apex:page>Output -
As you can see in the image in the related list it is showing all the 10 records irrespective of value in pageSize attribute.
According to the documentation, pageSize is used to define "The number of records to display by default in the related list. If not specified, this value defaults to 5."
I tried this and it is working for me.May I suggest you please tweak the below code as per your requirement which should help you. Please let us know if this helps.